مستخلص فطر الريشي

اسم المنتج: مسحوق خلاصة فطر الريشي
مصدر: ريشي/جانوديرما لوكيدوم/فطر لينجزي
تحديد: 30%-90% السكاريد, 4%-10% غانوديرما ترايتيربين
مظهر: Brown powder
طريقة الاختبار: UV, HPLC
مدة الصلاحية: 2 سنين
الشهادات: ممارسات التصنيع الجيدة, ISO9001, ايزو 22000, تحليل المخاطر ونقاط المراقبة الحرجة, كوشير, حلال
محتوى: طبيعي, غير المضافة, غير معدل وراثيًا, علاج بالحرارة فقط


High Quality Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder

Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum/lingzhi) extract powder manufacturer KINTAI - A leader herbal extract factory in China cGMP ISO HACCP qualifications.

KINTAI factory provides best reishi mushroom extract powder with OEM service like private labels and packages.

We have powdered reishi extract polysaccharide, Ganoderma triterpenes in stock for fast delivery, welcome contact us for further cooperation!

red reishi mushroom, lingzhi mushroom, فطر جانوديرما لوكيدوم
dried reishi mushroom, lingzhi mushroom, ganoderma lucidum mushroom pieces in plate

What is reishi mushroom?

Reishi mushroom (Latin name: Ganoderma lucidum (Curtis) ص. Karst.) is a fungus of the genus Ganoderma.

في الصين, Ganoderma lucidum was first recorded as a medicine in the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" of the Han Dynasty. Ancient medical scientists believed that Ganoderma lucidum could treat a variety of diseases. They recognize reishi as a valuable medicinal material that nourishes and strengthens human health.

According to national traditional Chinese medicine records, reishi mushrooms have the effects of nourishing blood, calming down, relieving coughs and asthma. People use it to treat anxiety, insomnia, palpitation, cough, weakness, إلخ.

On November 9, 2023, Ganoderma lucidum was listed as "substances that are both food and traditional Chinese medicinal materials."

Property of Reishi mushroom

  • Other names: Reishi mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum mushroom, Lingzhi mushroom
  • مظهر: Most Ganoderma lucidum fruiting bodies are annual, and a few are perennial. It has a stipe, which is cylindrical and has a strong paint-like luster. The cap is woody, semicircular or nearly circular. The surface is brownish-yellow or reddish-brown, with a paint-like luster. The flesh of the fungus is white to light brown.
  • Origin: Ganoderma lucidum mushroom originates from China. Currently, ganoderma lucidum grows in all continents of the world. Most of them grow in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. China is the place where Ganoderma mushrooms grow most.
  • Growth environment: Ganoderma lucidum is a fungus that grows beside broad-leaved trees or roots, it also grows on coniferous trees. Most of them grow in places with scattered sunlight, sparse trees, or open areas. The growth temperature is 3-40℃, with 26-28℃ being the best. It grows well under the conditions of substrate moisture content close to 200%, relative air humidity 90%, pH 5-6.
  • Nutrition value: Reishi mushroom extract powder contains polysaccharides, nucleosides, furans, sterols, alkaloids, triterpenes, oils, various amino acids and proteins, enzymes, organic germanium, and various trace elements.
wild red reishi mushroom, fresh lingzhi mushroom, فطر جانوديرما لوكيدوم

Specification of Reishi mushroom extract powder

اسم المنتجمصدرActive ingredient
مسحوق خلاصة فطر الريشيريشي/جانوديرما لوكيدوم/فطر لينجزيالسكاريد, غانوديرما ترايتيربين
عناصر التحليلمواصفةطريقة الاختبار
Assay of Ganoderma triterpenes10%HPLC
الخصائص الفيزيائية والكيميائية
مظهرBrown powderمرئي
حجم الجسيمات≥99% من خلال 80 شبكةقاعدة Ch.P.C.47
خسارة في التجفيف.05.0%Ch.P.C.Rule52
Heavy Metals of Reishi mushroom extract powder.010.0 جزء في المليونالامتصاص الذري
الكادميوم(قرص مضغوط).50.5 جزء في المليونالامتصاص الذري
الزئبق(زئبق).10.1 جزء في المليونالامتصاص الذري
الزرنيخ(مثل).01.0 جزء في المليونالامتصاص الذري
يقود(الرصاص).50.5 جزء في المليونالامتصاص الذري
المذيبات المتبقية
– الإيثانول≥1000 جزء في المليونكروماتوغرافيا الغاز
الجودة الميكروبيولوجية (إجمالي العدد الهوائية قابلة للحياة) of Reishi mushroom extract powder
إجمالي عدد اللوحات,cfu/ز≥1000 وحدة تشكيل مستعمرات/جمCh.P.C.Rule80
عدد العفن والخميرة,cfu/ز≥ 100 كفو/زCh.P.C.Rule80
ه. القولونيةغائبCh.P.C.Rule80
المكورات العنقودية الذهبيةغائبCh.P.C.Rule80
*حالة التخزين: Store in tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Keep always from strong direct light.
*وعد كينتاي بجميع المنتجات: غير مشعع / لا يحتوي على ETO/ يعالج بالحرارة فقط / غير معدل وراثيًا

Function and Application

مسحوق خلاصة فطر الريشي has a variety of physiological activities and clinical effects. And because it is safe and non-toxic, it has a widely usage in the pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetics industries.

The active ingredients in reishi mushroom are mainly Reishi polysaccharides and Ganoderma lucidum triterpenes:

  • Reishi polysaccharide can enhance immunity, regulate blood sugar, lower blood lipids, مضادات الأكسدة, anti-aging and anti-tumor.
  • Ganoderma triterpenes have anti-inflammatory, مسكن, sedative, detoxifying, purifying blood, anti-cancer, and liver protection functions.

فضلاً عن ذلك, Ganoderma lucidum mushroom extract powder also has anticoagulant, platelet aggregation inhibition, and antiallergic effects.

Our factory's Reishi mushroom extract powder as raw material of pharm Ingredients for treat sedation, anticonvulsants, cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic, antihypertensive, and cough relieving.

reishi mushroom extract powder benefit Brain, Liver, Blood vessels

Main function of Reishi mushroom extract powder

1. Improve immunity

Reishi mushroom extract powder contains a variety of active ingredients. Such as polysaccharides, β-glucans, Ganoderma triterpenoids, إلخ, which can enhance the activity of immune cells and improve human immunity. After long-term intake, it can increase the number of white blood cells in the human body, improve immune cell function, increase resistance, and reduce the risk of disease.

2. Antioxidant

Ganoderma lucidum mushroom extract powder is rich in a variety of antioxidant substances. Such as polyphenols, vitamin C, and triterpenoids, which can neutralize free radicals in the body, reduce oxidation reactions, and thus delay the cell aging process.

3. مضاد التهاب

The polysaccharides and triterpenoids in lingzhi mushroom extract powder have obvious anti-inflammatory effects, which can inhibit the release of inflammatory substances and reduce inflammatory reactions.

4. Blood pressure lowering effect

The triterpenoids in Ganoderma lucidum extract can dilate blood vessels, and lower blood pressure. It would have auxiliary therapeutic effects on patients with hypertension.

sleep well, Improve sleep quality
Anti-inflammatory function
Promote liver health

5. Improve sleep quality

The triterpenoids extract in lingzhi mushroom extract powder can promote the relaxation of the nervous system and improve sleep quality.

6. Relieve fatigue

As a "natural stimulant", reishi mushroom extract powder can improve the body's energy metabolism and relieve physical fatigue. By taking reishi extract, people can improve work efficiency, improve the body's endurance and ability to withstand stress.

7. Promote liver health

Ganoderma lucidum extract has a liver-protective effect.
It can increase the antioxidant capacity of the liver and reduce the burden on the liver.
Ganoderma lucidum extract can also promote liver cell regeneration, improve liver function, and has a certain therapeutic effect on liver diseases such as hepatitis and fatty liver.

8. Anti-tumor effect

The polysaccharides and triterpenoids in Ganoderma lucidum mushroom extract powder have anti-tumor effects and can inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells.

More Information About Reishi Mushroom Extract Powder

شحن & التعبئة والتغليف
  • التعبئة والتغليف: داخل حقيبة الغذاء الصف, كيس رقائق الألومنيوم الخارجي.
    25كجم استخدم حاوية بلاستيكية مزدوجة الطبقة/أسطوانة من الألياف.
    أو اختيارك.
  • خدمة صانعي القطع الأصلية المتاحة: حسب الطلب صمتاح, انقر هنا لمعرفة المزيد.
  • شحن: دي إتش إل / فيديكس / نظم الإدارة البيئية/عن طريق الجو / عن طريق البحر
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  • قسط: نحن نقبل الدفع عن طريق T/T, خطاب الاعتماد, باي بال, وويستر يونيون.

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شهادة ISO GMP
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