на Икари
Име на продукта: на Икари
Източник: Палави кози плевели/листа от епимедиум
Спецификации : 10%,20%,40%,60%,98%
Външен вид : Жълт до кафяв прах
CAS номер: 489-32-7
Метод на изпитване: HPLC
Срок на годност: 2 години
Сертификати: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, КОШЕР, ХАЛАЛ
Съдържание: Естествено, Без добавки,Без ГМО,Третирайте само чрез топлина
High Quality Horny Goat Weed Epimedium Extract Icariin Powder
Horny Goat Weed Epimedium Extract Icariin Powder manufacturer KINTAI - A leader herbal extract factory in China and certified ISO GMP HACCP qualifications.
KINTAI have the high quality Icariin powder with the pure specification from 10% към 98%.
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Icariin powder
на Икари powder is the main active component of Epimedium horney goat weed plant and is a flavonoid compound. It can be extracted from the dried stems and leaves of Epimedium arrowleaf, Epimedium pilosa, Wushan Epimedium, and Korean Epimedium.
The aboveground part of Epimedium mainly contains flavonoids, and the underground part mainly contains flavonoids and alkaloids.
Освен това, epimedium plants contain hundreds of chemical components, such as lignans, anthraquinones, anthocyanins, sesquiterpenes, phenylethanol glycosides, polysaccharides, glucose, fructose, phytosterols, palmitic acid, Stearic acid, linolenic acid, potassium chloride, и т.н., these components are distributed in different plants of the Epimedium genus.
Име на продукта: Icariin powder
Друго име:
ICARRIN, ICARIINE, Icariine, Icariin extract.
Epimedium, Epimedium P.E, Epimedium extract, Horny goat weed extract.
CAS номер: 489-32-7
EINECS: 610-440-0
Химическа формула: C33H40O15
Молекулно тегло: 676.67
Цвят: The higher content is yellow, and lower percentage is in brown .
Разтворимост: Разтворим в етанол, етилацетат.

Име на продукта | Източник | CAS номер |
Horny goat weed extract Icariin powder | Epimedium leaf | 489-32-7 |
Елементи за анализ | Спецификация | Метод на изпитване |
Assay of Icariin | 98% | HPLC |
Физични и химични свойства | ||
Външен вид | Жълт прах | Визуално |
миризма | Уникален | Органолептични |
Размер на частиците | ≥99% през 80 мрежа | Ch.P.C. Правило 47 |
Пепел | ≤5,0% | Ch.P.C.Rule2302 |
Загуба при сушене | ≤5,0% | Ch.P.C. Правило 52 |
Heavy Metals of Icariin powder | ≤10,0ppm | Атомна абсорбция |
Кадмий(Cd) | ≤1,0ppm | Атомна абсорбция |
Меркурий(Hg) | ≤0,1ppm | Атомна абсорбция |
Арсен(като) | ≤1,0ppm | Атомна абсорбция |
Олово(Pb) | ≤2,0ppm | Атомна абсорбция |
Остатъчни разтворители | ||
– Етанол | ≤1000 PPM | Газова хроматография |
Микробиологично качество (Общ жизнеспособен аеробен брой) of Icariin powder | ||
Общ брой плочи,cfu/g | ≤1000 CFU/g | Ch.P.C. Правило 80 |
Преброяване на мухъл и дрожди,cfu/g | ≤ 100 CFU/g | Ch.P.C. Правило 80 |
д. коли | Отрицателна | Ch.P.C. Правило 80 |
Салмонела | Отрицателна | Ch.P.C. Правило 80 |
Стафилококус ауреус | Отрицателна | Ch.P.C. Правило 80 |
*Условия на съхранение: Съхранявайте в плътно затворена найлонова торбичка и съхранявайте на сухо и хладно място. Пазете винаги от силна пряка светлина. | ||
*KINTAI обещава всички продукти: Необлъчени / Не-ETO/ Третирайте само чрез топлина / Без ГМО |
Функция и приложение
The "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" records that Horney goat weed Epimedium extract powder has many functions benefit for health. Such as nourish the kidneys, strengthen muscles and bones, and remove the rheumatism.
With the continuous development of traditional Chinese medicine pharmacology. Researches on Epimedium has deepened to the cellular, subcellular and genetic levels. Meanwhile some new functions were discovered, which mainly include the following aspects.
1. Sexual Strength
Horney goat weed Epimedium extract icariin powder can promote sexual health, both tonify the kidneys and strengthen male function.
Studies have shown that epimedium extract has an androgenic effect and can promote semen secretion in dogs.
Similarly Testosterone (Ts) levels increased in male mice after ingesting epimedium extract.
And when using radioimmunoassay to determine the different concentrations of icariin on the CGMP in the corpus cavernosum of rabbits. The results showed that icariin can increase the concentration of CGMP in the corpus cavernosum of the penis in a concentration-dependent manner.
2. Improve Immune System
Epimedium extract powder can enhance the body's immunity and cellular immune function, and the main active ingredients are icariin and epimedium polysaccharide.
Studies have shown that epimedium can enhance the body's immune system, meanwhile affecting immune organs (thymus, spleen), macrophages, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, cytokines and humoral immunity.
The thymus and spleen play an important role in regulating the body's immune system. Epimedium can promote the proliferation and transformation of B lymphocytes, therefore increasing the level of antibody production. It also significantly increases the phagocytosis rate of macrophages, and has a two-way regulatory effect on the secretion of interleukin and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) by macrophages.

3. Anti-oxidation
Epimedium extract icariin has the effect of delaying aging by reducing the production of free radicals. It can increasing the scavenging of free radicals, reducing protein decomposition, promoting cell proliferation, restoring immune function, also resisting apoptosis.
4. Anti-aging
Epimedium extract can resist aging and prolong life by affecting cell generation, prolonging the growth period, meanwhile regulating the immune secretion system, improving body metabolism and the functions of various organs.
5. Antibacterial, Противовъзпалително, Antiviral
Icariin extract powder has a strong inhibitory effect on common food contaminating bacteria. Such as Hansenula yeast, Escherichia coli, Стафилококус ауреус, Bacillus subtilis, Penicillium and Aspergillus niger. And after icariin was treated at 121°C for 15 minutes, it still had a strong antibacterial effect, and there was no obvious change compared with the normal sample.
Epimedium extract can significantly inhibit the content of malondialdehyde in inflammatory exudates, inhibit lipid peroxidation, and increase the activity of catalase, which is an important reason for its ability to inhibit immune inflammation.
Epimedium extract has an inhibitory effect on the activity of Newcastle disease virus (NDV), also has a certain correlation with its concentration.

6. Antitumor
Icariin powder has a significant inhibitory effect on tumors. It and can promote early apoptosis of tumor cells and promote necrosis of tumor tissue.
Studies have shown that icariin has obvious effects on inducing differentiation and inhibiting proliferation of leukemia cells in vivo and in vitro, and its combination with ATRA can produce obvious synergistic effects. Освен това, it can inhibit the adhesion,movement and invasion of human gastric cancer cell line SGC-7901, increases the activity of intracellular protein kinase A, therefore inhibiting its deterioration.
In summary, epimedium extract can induce tumor cell apoptosis and differentiation, and inhibit tumor cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis.
7. Cardiovascular effects
The non-amino acid portion of epimedium extract can significantly increase coronary flow. It also has blood pressure lowering properties. Icariin can relax vascular smooth muscle and dilate coronary arteries, femoral arteries and cerebral arteries. The mechanism of action is to inhibit the influx of extracellular calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle.
Studies have shown that Epimedium extract can significantly antagonize arrhythmia in rats.
Icariin extract can significantly improve the membrane potential of mitochondria and increase the survival rate of cardiomyocytes. It can inhibit the reduction of vascular endothelial cells caused by hypoxia and hydrogen peroxide oxidative damage, reduce LDH activity, and inhibit MDA production. At the same time, it increases the activity of superoxide dismutase and significantly inhibits endothelial cell apoptosis. It can also reduce the expression of caspase-3, a gene responsible for apoptosis caused by hydrogen peroxide.
Short-term (5 min) culture of icariin in intravenous endothelial cells can significantly increase the activity of NO, and long-term culture can significantly upregulate the expression of NO synthase mRNA and protein, therefore effectively inhibiting the onset of coronary heart disease and acute myocardial infarction.
Icariin can upregulate the levels of cardiac transcription factors GATA4 and Nkx2.5 mRNA and the expression of cardiovascular-specific genes a-MHC, MLC-2v and 8-AR.
Above shows that Horney goat weed Epimedium extract icariin powder can improve cerebral hypoxia and cerebral ischemia, increase cerebral blood flow, dilate blood vessels, and also have a certain impact on hemorrheology.

8. Inhibit osteoclasts and promote osteoblast growth
Icariin powder can inhibit the apoptosis of osteoblasts, promote bone formation, and reduce bone resorption. Mature osteoblasts can secrete a large amount of cytokines, which are used to prevent the maturation, differentiation and fusion of osteoclasts and promote the apoptosis of osteoclasts, therefore achieving the purpose of treating osteoporosis.
Icariin can inhibit the expression of IL-6 and TNF-α mRNA and promote the expression of TGF-β1 mRNA, therefore treating osteoporosis.
9. Sedative, Antidepressant
Zhong Haibo et al. conducted experiments to study the effects of epimedium extract icariin powder on mouse behavior, MAO-A, MAO-B activities and MDA levels in the brain and liver. It has been proven that epimedium extract has a certain antidepressant effect, and it is inferred that it may achieve antidepressant purposes by inhibiting MAO activity, reducing monoamine neurotransmitter metabolism, and increasing neurotransmitter levels in brain tissue.
Experiments significantly show that Epimedium extract can cause a decrease in the density of β-adrenergic receptors in the brains of rats, consistent with the effect of antidepressants.
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