сангвинарин, Хелеритрин

Име на продукта: Екстракт от Macleaya Cordata
Спецификации : Общо алкали 60%( сангвинарин 40%, Хелеритрин 20% )
Други спецификации могат да бъдат персонализирани
Външен вид : Оранжево червен прах
CAS номер: 112025-60-2
Метод на изпитване: HPLC
Срок на годност: 2 години
Сертификати: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, КОШЕР, ХАЛАЛ
Съдържание: Естествено, Без добавки,Без ГМО,Третирайте само чрез топлина


KINTAI's High Quality Macleaya Cordata Extract

Macleaya Cordata extract (MCE) manufacturer KINTAI is a leader herbal extract company in China and certified ISO GMP HACCP qualifications.

We have the pure macleaya cordata extract contain total alkali 60%: сангвинарин 40%, Хелеритрин 20%.

We also provide customization service, добре дошли свържете се с нас за допълнителна информация!

Macleaya Cordata extract powder in orange red color
KINTAI manufacturer gained GMP certificate for Macleaya Cordata extract

What is Macleaya Cordata?

English Name: Macleaya cordata, Pink Plumepoppy, Plume-poppy

Scientific Name: Macleaya cordata (Willd.) Р. BrownBocconia cordata Willd.


Macleaya cordata plant is native to China and is mainly distributed in the Yangtze River Basin of China, extending to Guangdong in the south, Guizhou in the west, and southern Gansu in the northwest. It is also distributed in Japan and India. Born in hills, forests, jungles and shrubs at an altitude of 150 към 830 meters.


The stems of macleaya cordata plant can be as high as 2 meters. The stems are hollow, the surface is smooth and mostly covered with white powder. The green leaves are usually wide oval or nearly round, with wavy, notched or coarse teeth on the edges, and the back side is usually gray and white. Covered with fine hairs that fall off easily.

Growing environment:

The macleaya cordata plant likes a warm and humid environment, prefers sunny places, likes fertilizer, is afraid of waterlogging, has strong drought tolerance and cold resistance, and is not strict with soil, but needs fertile, loose, and well-drained soil. Growing vigorously. The suitable growth temperature is 22-28℃.

Chemical components:

The main chemical components of macleaya cordata plant: alkaloids, including Sanguinarine, chelerythrine, protopine, α-Allocryptopine and β -Allocrytopine (β-Allocrytopine).


Macleaya cordata has the functions of anti-inflammatory, detoxification, reduce swelling and insecticide. Modern pharmacological research shows that as the main active ingredient of Macleaya cordata extract, sanguinarine plays an important role in the treating various inflammations.

External use to treat boils, abscesses, hemorrhoids, and eczema. It can also treat snake bites, bruises, rheumatic joint pain, toothache, otitis media, burns, scalds, ringworm, acute tonsillitis, and lower limb ulcers.

KINTAI's Macleaya Cordata Planting Base
Leaf of Macleaya Cordata plant
Leaves of Macleaya Cordata plant

Екстракт от Macleaya Cordata

Active Ingredients: сангвинарин, Хелеритрин

The main bioactive substances in macleaya cordata plant are alkaloids, mainly are both sanguinarine and chelerythrine, with the highest content.


Antibacterial, insecticidal, maggoticidal, антивирусен, противовъзпалително, противотуморни, improved liver function, and enhanced immunity effects.


Macleaya Cordata extract is widely used in medicine, chemical product raw materials, biopesticides, veterinary drugs, and animal breeding.

In 2004, products with sanguinarine and chelerythrine extracted from the macleaya cordata plant as the main ingredients were registered in the EU as feed additive Sangrovit, and are widely used in 74 countries and regions around the world to promote animal growth and improve animal health, antibiotic alternative.

In China, products with sanguinarine and chelerythrine as main ingredients have been developed into national Class II new Chinese veterinary drugs. Due to it has significant effects in replacing growth-promoting antibiotics in feeding, improving animal growth performance, and improving animal health.


Име на продуктаИзточникActive Ingredient
Екстракт от Macleaya Cordata Macleaya Cordata plantAlkaloids,сангвинарин,Хелеритрин
Елементи за анализСпецификацияМетод на изпитване
Assay of AlkaloidsTotal Alkali Min.60%. Sanguinarine Min.40%. Chelerythrine Min.20%.HPLC
Физични и химични свойства
Външен видОранжево червен прахВизуално
Размер на частиците≥99% през 80 мрежаCh.P.C. Правило 47
Загуба при сушене≤5,0%Ch.P.C. Правило 52
Heavy Metals of Macleaya Cordata Extract ≤10,0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Кадмий(Cd)≤1,0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Меркурий(Hg)≤0,1ppmАтомна абсорбция
Арсен(като)≤1,0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Олово(Pb)≤2,0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Остатъчни разтворители
– Етанол≤1000 PPMГазова хроматография
Микробиологично качество (Общ жизнеспособен аеробен брой) of Macleaya Cordata Extract
Общ брой плочи,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C. Правило 80
Преброяване на мухъл и дрожди,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C. Правило 80
д. колиОтрицателнаCh.P.C. Правило 80
СалмонелаОтрицателнаCh.P.C. Правило 80
Стафилококус ауреусОтрицателнаCh.P.C. Правило 80
*Условия на съхранение: Съхранявайте в плътно затворена найлонова торбичка и съхранявайте на сухо и хладно място. Не замръзвайте. Пазете винаги от силна пряка светлина.
*KINTAI обещава всички продукти: Необлъчени / Не-ETO/ Третирайте само чрез топлина / Без ГМО

Applications In Animals Feeding


The active ingredients of macleaya cordata extract can increase the feed intake and weight gain of poultry, also improve intestinal health, and increase grain digestibility; Meanwhile enhance the body's resistance and prevent disease infections; increase the egg production rate of laying poultry, and reduce Mortality and other effects.


The macleaya cordata extract application in pig breeding is mainly in the stages of weaning piglets, growing pigs, late pregnancy and lactation sows. It has the effects of promoting growth, resisting stress and improving intestinal health.

Aquatic animal

The functional ingredients of macleaya cordata extract can kill various parasites that threaten the survival of aquatic animals such as schistosomiasis, ringworm, and melonworm, and have growth-promoting and Improve immunity, improve health and other effects.


Udder inflammation not only causes a decrease in milk production of dairy cows, but also reduces the quality of dairy products. The functional ingredients of macleaya cordata extract have good anti-inflammatory activity, which can improve mastitis in dairy cows and improve the quality of milk production.

Macleaya Cordata extract is good for pig

Относителен блог

Доставка & Опаковка
  • Опаковка: Вътрешна торбичка за хранителни цели, външна торба от алуминиево фолио.
    25kg използвайте двуслоен пластмасов контейнер/фабричен барабан.
    Или по ваш избор.
  • Налична OEM услуга: Персонализирана стрналична опаковка, щракнете тук, за да научите повече.
  • Доставка: DHL / FEDEX / EMS/ ПО ВЪЗДУХ / ПО МОРЕ
  • Американски склад: KINTAI постави над 100 натурални растителни екстракти в нашия склад в САЩ за бърза доставка.
  • Плащане: Приемаме плащане чрез T/T, акредитив, Paypal, и Wester Union.

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За нас
ISO GMP HACCP сертифицирана фабрика



ISO GMP сертификат
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