Passion fruit/Passiflora coerulea extract

Име на продукта: Passion Fruit extract
Източник: Passion fruit
Спецификации : 2% 5% 10% Flavonoids
Външен вид : Кафяв прах
Метод на изпитване: HPLC
Срок на годност: 2 години
Сертификати: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, КОШЕР, ХАЛАЛ
Съдържание: Естествено, Без добавки,Без ГМО,Третирайте само чрез топлина


Product Description And Property

Passion fruit powder is extract from the tropical fruit Passiflora plant. It is known for its unique appearance, distinct flavor, and nutritional benefits. The great benefits to health makes it popular as supplement. Passion fruit extract powder is rich in flavonoids, a group of plant compounds known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory property.

Our KINTAI produced Passion Fruit Extract Powder in brown color
the ripe passion fruits in the tree
  • Types of flavonoids: Passion fruit contains various types of flavonoids in powder form, including flavanols (like catechins and epicatechins), flavonols (like quercetin and kaempferol), and anthocyanins (like cyanidin and delphinidin). Each type of flavonoid has unique health benefits.
  • Antioxidant activity: Flavonoids from Passion fruit extract powder are potent antioxidants that help protect the body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. They neutralize these harmful molecules, reducing cellular damage and potentially lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Cardiovascular health: Passion fruit flavonoids is benefit for cardiovascular health. Research suggests that they intake this extract powder may help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, improve blood vessel function, and decrease the risk of heart disease.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects: Flavonoids in passion fruit have anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is linked to various health conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, and cancers.
  • Skin health: passion fruit extract have the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties t benefit skin health. They help protect the skin from oxidative damage caused by environmental stressors, potentially reducing signs of aging and promoting a more youthful appearance.
  • Cancer prevention: Flavonoids have been studied for their potential anticancer effects. Some research suggests that passion fruit extract may inhibit the growth of cancer cells and reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.


Име на продуктаPassion fruit extract прах
KINTAI обещава всички продукти: Необлъчени / Не-ETO/ Третирайте само чрез топлина / Без ГМО
Елементи за анализСпецификацииМетод на изпитване
Assay of Flavonoids10%HPLC
Физични и химични свойства
Външен видКафяв прахВизуално
Размер на частиците≥99% през 80 мрежаCh.P.C. Правило 47
Загуба при сушене≤5,0%Ch.P.C. Правило 52
Heavy Metals of Passion fruit extract≤10,0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Кадмий(Cd)≤1,0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Меркурий(Hg)≤0,1ppmАтомна абсорбция
Арсен(като)≤1,0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Олово(Pb)≤2.0ppmАтомна абсорбция
Остатъчни разтворители
– Етанол≤1000 PPMГазова хроматография
Микробиологично качество (Общ жизнеспособен аеробен брой) of Passion fruit extract
Общ брой плочи,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C. Правило 80
Преброяване на мухъл и дрожди,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C. Правило 80
д. колиNegativeCh.P.C. Правило 80
СалмонелаNegativeCh.P.C. Правило 80
Стафилококус ауреусNegativeCh.P.C. Правило 80
*Условия на съхранение: Store in tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Do not freeze. Пазете винаги от силна пряка светлина.

Health Benefits

Nutritions: it is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamins A and C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants. Passion fruit extract powder is low in calories and contains beneficial plant compounds that have health-promoting effects.

Health benefits: passion fruit can offer various health benefits. It can supporting immune function, promoting healthy digestion, and providing antioxidant protection against oxidative stress,and promote healthy skin.

Flavoring: Passion fruit powder have a unique and tangy tropical flavoris and commonly used in food and beverage applications. It can be added to juices, smoothies, cocktails, desserts, and baked goods, among other things.

Supplement use: Passion fruit extract powder is available as a dietary supplement in capsule or form. It is popular as a natural source of antioxidants or digestive support.

Skincare: Passion fruit powder used in skincare products, cause its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help release stressors and promote a more even, radiant complexion.

Преди всичко, passion fruit extract have lots of nutritions that can boost to your diet, and our KINTAI devoted to supply good quality product with best service. Welcome contact us for anything can help!

passion fruit benefits for health full of vitamins

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Доставка & Опаковка
  • Опаковка: Вътрешна торбичка за хранителни цели, външна торба от алуминиево фолио.
    25kg използвайте двуслоен пластмасов контейнер/фабричен барабан.
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  • Налична OEM услуга: Персонализирана стрналична опаковка, щракнете тук, за да научите повече.
  • Доставка: DHL / FEDEX / EMS/ ПО ВЪЗДУХ / ПО МОРЕ
  • Американски склад: KINTAI постави над 100 натурални растителни екстракти в нашия склад в САЩ за бърза доставка.
  • Плащане: Приемаме плащане чрез T/T, акредитив, Paypal, и Wester Union.

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ISO GMP HACCP сертифицирана фабрика



ISO GMP сертификат
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