Oryza Rice Bran extract Ceramide

Název produktu: Ceramide
Zdroj: Rýžové otruby(Oryza)
Specifikace: 1% – 98%
Vzhled: White to yellow powder
Č. CAS: 100403-19-8
Testovací metoda: HPLC
Doba použitelnosti: 2 let
Certs: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOŠER, HALAL
Obsah: Přírodní, Neaditivní, Non-GMO, Ošetřujte pouze teplem


High Quality Oryza Rice Bran Extract Ceramide Powder

Oryza Rice bran extract pure Ceramide powder manufacturer KINTAI - A leader herbal extract supplier in China and certified ISO GMP HACCP qualifications.

KINTAI provides natural rice bran extract oryza Ceramide powder with a high-quality purity test by HPLC.

We have 5%, 10% in stock for fast delivery, and welcome any spec customization. We also provide OEM service like private labels, packages. welcome contact us for further information!

Oryza Rice Bran Extract Pure Ceramide powder from kintai
Oryza rice plant

What is Ceramide?

Ceramide is a natural grease found in plants and animals, It exists in all eukaryotic cells, playing an important role in regulating life activities such as cell birth, cell division, growth, and aging.

Professionally speaking, it's a type of amide compound formed by dehydration of fatty acids and the amino group of sphingosine.

Ceramide also is the main component of intercellular lipids in the outer skin layer, about 40% na 50% of the sebum in the stratum corneum is composed of ceramide. It not only has a strong ability to associate with water molecules therefore maintains skin moisture. But also promotes the formation of outer skin, which has the functions of maintaining skin barrier, moisturizing, anti-aging, whitening, and disease treatment.

For easy understanding, imagine that our outer skin layer is a wall, epidermal cells are the bricks, then ceramides are the cement between the bricks. If there is a lack of cement, guess what will happen to the wall? Light, air, dust, and bugs even mice will sneak in. Same reason for the skin. If the skin lacks ceramide, light, dust, and bacteria will easily invade in. Finally, the skin will gradually become unhealthy.

Property of Ceramide

Název produktu: Oryza rice bran extract Ceramide

Other English Name: Ceramides

Extract Source: Oryza/ Rice

Č. CAS: 100403-19-8

Chemický vzorec: C24H47NO3

Molekulová hmotnost: 397.64

Barva: Bílý až světle žlutý prášek

Rozpustnost: Soluble in water, ethanol and oils.

Skladování: Store Ceramide powder in a dry, chladné místo, avoid the light.

formula structure of Oryza Rice Bran Extract Ceramide

Specification of Rice Ceramide

Název produktuZdrojČ. CAS
Ceramide powderOryza/Rice Bran100403-19-8
Analytické položkySpecifikaceTestovací metoda
Assay of Ceramide10%HPLC
Fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti
VzhledŽlutý prášekVizuální
Velikost částic≥99 % skrz 80 pletivoPravidlo Ch.P.C.47
Popel≤ 5,0 %Ch.P.C. Pravidlo 2302
Ztráta sušením≤ 5,0 %Ch.P.C.Pravidlo52
Heavy Metals of Ceramide ≤10,0 ppmAtomová absorpce
Kadmium(CD)≤ 1,0 ppmAtomová absorpce
Rtuť(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAtomová absorpce
Arsen(Jak)≤ 1,0 ppmAtomová absorpce
Vést(Pb)≤2.0ppmAtomová absorpce
Zbytková rozpouštědla
– Ethanol≤1000 PPMPlynová chromatografie
Mikrobiologická kvalita (Celkový počet životaschopných aerobních látek) of rice Ceramide powder
Celkový počet desek,cfu/g<1000 CFU/gPravidlo Ch.P.C.80
Počet plísní a kvasinek,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gPravidlo Ch.P.C.80
E. coliNegativePravidlo Ch.P.C.80
SalmonellaNegativePravidlo Ch.P.C.80
Staphylococcus aureusNegativePravidlo Ch.P.C.80
*Skladovací stav: Store in tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Keep always from strong direct light.
*KINTAI Promise All Products: Neozářený / Non-ETO/ Pouze tepelná úprava / Non-GMO

Function and Application

Function of rice bran extract Ceramide

1. Barrier of skin

Studies have shown that rice bran Ceramide plays an important role in maintaining skin barrier function.

2. Adhesion

The level of ceramide determines the degree of dryness of the skin. Using oryza rice extract pure ceramide can enhance the adhesion between skin cells, improve skin dryness, also reduce skin desquamation.

3. Skin Moisturizing

Ceramide has a strong ability to bind water molecules and maintain skin moisture by forming a network structure in the stratum corneum. Therefore, ceramide has the function of maintaining skin moisture.

4. Anti-aging

Ceramide can increase the thickness of the stratum corneum, and enhance the skin's water-holding capacity. It improves skin roughness, reduces wrinkles, enhances skin elasticity, and finally delays skin aging.

5. Cell function

Ceramide has functions such as regulating cell growth variation and inducing unhealthy cell apoptosis.
Because of these effects, it is widely used in the field of medical beauty and freckle removal. For example, adding it to freckle removal products it will has a good effect on treating chloasma.

Ceramide is the Barrier of skin


1. Skincare products

Rice Ceramide's anti-wrinkle and anti-aging functions make it apply in cosmetics and skin care to keep the skin elastic and smooth, therefore reducing the formation of facial wrinkles.

2. Medical aspects

Ceramide participates in various processes such as cell differentiation. During the outer skin layer forming process, ceramide can induce apoptosis. In the process of cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and repair, pure ceramide always plays an extensive and important role.

3. Food industry

Many health foods are using some of the physiological functions of ceramide. These functions include inhibiting the rise in blood pressure, activating immunity, inhibiting lipase activity, and inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells.

Natural plant extract pure ceramide products were also officially commercialized and introduced to the market in 1998. So far, its products are mainly nutritional supplements and healthcare foods such as functional drinks and tablets.

More Information About Ceramide Powder

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