Extrakt z hroznů/Polygonum cuspidatum 98% resveratrol

Název produktu: resveratrol
Specifikace: 98%
Zdroj: Hroznová slupka/semena, Polygonum cuspidatum
Č. CAS: 501-36-0
Vzhled: Bílý prášek
Testovací metoda: HPLC
Doba použitelnosti: 2 let
Certs: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOŠER, HALAL
Obsah: Přírodní, Neaditivní, Non-GMO, Ošetřujte pouze teplem


High Quality Resveratrol

High-quality natural grape seed/skin extract resveratrol powder for sale, buy bulk resveratrol from herbal extract factory in China with ISO GMP HACCP qualifications.

Our factory strictly follow the GMP standard to ensure the good quality, and every batch before shipment we will 100% pass by QC.

cGMP KINTAI factory supply

grape and polygonum cuspidatum raw material of grape seed extract pure Resveratrol powder

Best natural source of Resveratrol extract powder

Product Description

Resveratrol is a polyphenol compound which has multiple biological activities. It exist in nature plants, mainly in peanuts, grapes, polygonum cuspidatum, mulberry and others.

Natural resveratrol source

  • Polygonum cuspidatum extract resveratrol : The natural resveratrol powder is mainly extract from Polygonum cuspidatum and grapes. Polygonum cuspidatum is a traditional Chinese medicine. The roots and stems of Polygonum cuspidatum plant contain a relatively high resveratrol, so factory can extract a pure resveratrol extract powder reach to 98% .
  • Grape extract resveratrol: Resveratrol in grapes is mainly exist in grape skin and grape seed, but the grape pulp almost no contain resveratrol.
    Benefit to multiple biological ingredient in grape skin and grape seed, the resveratrol extract from grape has a widely usage in skin care cosmetic products.

Our KINTAI is a professional herbal extract manufacturer, we use the best natural source to extract pure 98% Resveratrol powder, if you are finding a high quality bulk Resveratrol, kontaktujte nás prosím přímo!

Chemically synthesized resveratrol

Because the content of resveratrol in plants is very low and the extraction cost is high, most products on the market are synthesized by chemical methods, which makes them more competitive in price.


  1. Antioxidant
    As a natural antioxidant, resveratrol can remove free radicals, inhibit ROS production, and slow down the cell oxidative and aging.
  2. Skin-whitening
    Pure resveratrol extract from natural plants can inhibit tyrosinase activity and reduce the formation of melanin.
  3. Anti-aging
    Resveratrol helps promote collagen synthesis and epidermal cell proliferation. Therefore, it can maintain skin elasticity and firmness, slow skin sagging and wrinkle appearance, and play an anti-aging role.
  4. Zvlhčování pokožky: Resveratrol extract helps increase the stratum corneum's moisture content, improve the skin's moisturizing, therefore make the skin look fuller and more lustrous.
  5. Anti-UV
    The best source resveratrol has a photoprotective effect against UV.
  6. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory
  7. Anti-cancer
  8. Resveratrol is beneficial to cardiovascular health and lowers cholesterol
  9. Neuroprotection


Herbal extract bulk Resveratrol is a natural antioxidant with multiple functions such as anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, cardiovascular protection, and immune regulation. At present, resveratrol can be used in food, health care products, cosmetic and medicine fileds.

péče o kůži

Property Of Resveratrol

  • Název produktu: resveratrol
  • Specifikace: 98%, k dispozici další specifikace
  • Zdroj: Our factory use natural source Grape seed/skin and Polygonum cuspidatum to extract pure resveratrol powder.
  • Č. CAS: 501-36-0
  • Chemický vzorec: C14H12O3
  • Molekulová hmotnost: 228.243
  • Barva: Bílý prášek.
  • Rozpustnost: Soluble in ethyl alcohol.
  • Skladování: Please seal Resveratrol powder after use, store it in a dry, chladné místo, avoid the light.
Chemical formula of natural resveratrol extract powder cas 501-36-0


Název produktuZdrojČ. CAS
resveratrolPolygonum cuspidatum501-36-0
Analytické položkySpecifikaceTestovací metoda
Assay of Resveratrol98%HPLC
Fyzikální a chemické vlastnosti
VzhledBílý prášekVizuální
Velikost částic≥99 % skrz 80 pletivoPravidlo Ch.P.C.47
Popel≤ 5,0 %Ch.P.C. Pravidlo 2302
Ztráta sušením≤ 5,0 %Ch.P.C.Pravidlo52
Heavy Metals of Resveratrol≤10,0 ppmAtomová absorpce
Kadmium(CD)≤ 0,5 ppmAtomová absorpce
Rtuť(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAtomová absorpce
Arsen(Jak)≤ 1,0 ppmAtomová absorpce
Vést(Pb)≤ 0,5 ppmAtomová absorpce
Zbytková rozpouštědla
– Ethanol≤1000 PPMPlynová chromatografie
Mikrobiologická kvalita (Celkový počet životaschopných aerobních látek) of Resveratrol extract powder
Celkový počet desek,cfu/g<1000 CFU/gPravidlo Ch.P.C.80
Počet plísní a kvasinek,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gPravidlo Ch.P.C.80
E. coliChybíPravidlo Ch.P.C.80
SalmonellaChybíPravidlo Ch.P.C.80
Staphylococcus aureusChybíPravidlo Ch.P.C.80
*Skladovací stav: Store Resveratrol powder in a tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Keep always from strong direct light.
*KINTAI Promise All Products: Neozářený / Non-ETO/ Pouze tepelná úprava / Non-GMO

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Certifikovaná továrna ISO GMP HACCP



Certifikát ISO GMP
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Naše MOQ je flexibilní od 0,1 kg do 1 kg, prosím kontaktujte nás pro podrobnosti.

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Většinu produktů, které máme skladem, můžeme dodat v rámci 3 pracovní dny, přizpůsobené produkty vyžadují další potvrzení.

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Jak zaručit, že výrobek je kvalifikovaný?

Naše továrna GMP má kompletní systém kontroly kvality 100,000 úroveň čisté výrobní dílny, a každá várka musí být 100% prošel QC.

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