
Produktname: Mangiferin-Pulver
Spezifikationen: 95%, andere Spezifikationen verfügbar
Quelle: Mangoblatt
CAS-Nr: 4773-96-0
Aussehen: Gelbes Pulver
Testmethode: HPLC
Haltbarkeit: 2 Jahre
Zertifikate: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSCHER, HALAL
Inhalt: Natürlich, Nicht additiv, Nicht gentechnisch verändert, Nur mit Hitze behandeln


Mango Leaf Extract Mangiferin

Best mango leaf extract mangiferin powder supply from KINTAI - Eine Kräuterextraktfabrik mit cGMP ISO HACCP-Qualifikationen in China. If you want to buy the best mango extract mangiferin at a Fabrik-Großhandelspreis Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns direkt.

We supply high-quality mangiferin powder, mit einer hohen Reinheit 95% Test durch HPLC. Wir bieten auch kostenlose Muster an, schnelle Lieferung, und andere maßgeschneiderte Dienstleistungen.

Our factory obtained a number of invention patents covering lots of production of active ingredients, including mangiferin mango.

mango leaf extract mangiferin yellow bulk powder in white plate, with dry mango leaves

Mango leaf extract Mangiferin powder

dry mango leaves

Raw material dried mango leaves

Invention patent mangiferin


What is mangiferin?

Mangiferin is a natural extract compound, and the extract is a yellow powder. Mangiferin mainly exists in various parts of the mango tree, including bark, Blätter, and fruits. Among them, the content of mangiferin in the bark is the highest, followed by leaves, and the content in the fruit is relatively small.

The main source of mangiferin powder is the bark and leaves of mango trees. In addition to mango trees, mangiferin is also found in other plants, such as longan, lychee, soapberry, usw. The content of mangiferin in these plants is relatively low. However some traditional Chinese medicinal materials, such as phellodendron and coptis chinensis, also contain certain mangiferin components.
The best mango mangiferin can be used to make medicines, Gesundheitsprodukte, usw., and has certain medicinal value.

Our factory's mangiferin is from mango leaves (Mangifera indica L.). We have obtained the technical invention patent. We provide the best mango leaf extract mangiferin powder, which has the advantages of high quality and competitive good price.

Funktion und Anwendung

  • Entzündungshemmend: Mango leaf extract Mangiferin is a phenolic and flavonoid compound, that has anti-inflammatory effects, and can be used in skincare products.
  • Antipyretic and analgesic: Mangiferin extract powder also has antipyretic and analgesic effects. Patients can take mangiferin according to the doctor's advice, which has a good effect on pain relief.
  • Senkung des Blutzuckers: Mangiferin extraction can lower blood sugar and gradually restore blood sugar to normal levels.
  • Virostatikum: Mangiferin has anti-hepatitis virus, anti-herpes virus, and anti-influenza virus effects
  • Other pharm activities: Mangiferin extract from mango leaf has a positive effect on the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and respiratory system, and has a widely application as a pharmaceutical intermediate.

Source plant mango tree

Mango (Mangifera indica L.), is an evergreen large tree plant of the genus Mangifera in the family Anacardiaceae.

Aussehen: About the mangiferin source - Mango tree, the stem is thin and cylindrical in dark green. The leaves are large, lanceolate, glossy green, and fragrant. Its flowers are cone-shaped, small and numerous, red or yellow. The fruit is large, with orange-red skin and a smooth and hairless surface. Its flowering period is May-June, and the fruiting period is July-August.

Verbreitungsgebiet: Mango is native to the Himalayas, India, and Bangladesh. It is currently cultivated in many provinces in southern China, such as Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong, Taiwan, Sichuan, and Guangxi.

Medizinische Teile: Mango leaves.

Medizinischer Wert: According to Chinese traditional medicine records, drinking boiled mango leaves in water can treat coughs and indigestion. The external application can treat skin itching, Entzündungen reduzieren, and kill bacteria.

Also, our factory's pure 95% mango leaf extract mangiferin powder is hot sale in many countries as a pharm ingredient.

Mangobaum-Pflanzenobstgarten, red ripe mango fruit on the tree

Property of Mangiferin

  • Produktname: Mangiferin-Pulver
  • Spezifikation: 95%
  • Quelle extrahieren: Mangifera indica L.
  • CAS-Nr: 4773-96-0
  • EINECS: 624-757-7
  • Chemische Formel: C19H18O11
  • Molekulargewicht: 665.612
  • Farbe: Gelbes Pulver
  • Löslichkeit: Slightly soluble in ethanol, water.
  • Lagerung: After buying mangiferin powder, please store it in a dry, Cooler Ort, Vermeiden Sie das Licht.
  • Price: Factory wholesale bulk price, welcome to contact us if you wanna buy a good source of Mangiferin.
formula structure of mango leaf extract mangiferin bulk powder 4773-96-0

Specification of Mangiferin

Assay of Mangiferin95%HPLC
Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften
AussehenGelbes PulverVisuell
Partikelgröße≥99 % durchgehend 80 GittergewebeCh.P.C.Rule47
Asche≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule2302
Trocknungsverlust≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule52
Heavy Metals of Mangiferin powder≤10,0 ppmAtomabsorption
Cadmium(CD)≤0,5 ppmAtomabsorption
Quecksilber(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAtomabsorption
Arsen(Als)≤1,0 ppmAtomabsorption
Führen(Pb)≤0,5 ppmAtomabsorption
Restliche Lösungsmittel
– Ethanol≤1000 ppmGaschromatographie
Mikrobiologische Qualität (Gesamte lebensfähige aerobe Zahl) of mango leaf extract mangiferin powder
Gesamtzahl der Teller,KBE/g≤1000 KBE/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Schimmel- und Hefezählung,KBE/g≤ 100 KBE/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliAbwesendCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusAbwesendCh.P.C.Rule80
*Lagerbedingungen: In einer fest verschlossenen Plastiktüte aufbewahren und an einem kühlen, trockenen Ort aufbewahren. Vor starkem, direktem Licht schützen.
*KINTAI verspricht alle Produkte: Nicht bestrahlt / Nicht-ETO/Nur durch Hitze behandeln / Nicht gentechnisch verändert

More about mango Mangiferin

Versand & Verpackung
  • Verpackung: Innenbeutel in Lebensmittelqualität, Außenbeutel aus Aluminiumfolie.
    25kg verwenden Sie einen doppelschichtigen Kunststoffbehälter/Fasertrommel.
    Oder Ihre Wahl.
  • OEM-Service verfügbar: Maßgeschneiderte SVerpackung verfügbar, Klicken Sie hier, um mehr zu erfahren.
  • Versand: DHL / FEDEX / EMS/auf dem Luftweg / AUF DEM SEEWEG
  • Amerikanisches Lager: KINTAI umgelegt 100 Natürliche Pflanzenextrakt-Inhaltsstoffe in unserem US-Lager für eine schnelle Lieferung.
  • Zahlung: Wir akzeptieren Zahlungen per T/T, L/C, Paypal, und Wester Union.

Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns und wir begleiten Sie auf einfache und professionelle Weise bei Ihrer Bestellung.

Über uns
ISO GMP HACCP-zertifizierte Fabrik


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