Caffeic Acid

Toote nimi: Caffeic Acid
Tehnilised andmed: 99%
Allikas: Coffee bean
CAS nr: 331-39-5
Välimus: Kollane pulber
Katsemeetod: HPLC
Säilivusaeg: 2 Aastaid
Sertifikaadid: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Sisu: Loomulik, Lisanditeta, Mitte-GMO, Töötle ainult kuumusega


Caffeic Acid Manufacturers and Suppliers

China Manufacturers Suppliers supply high-quality 99% Caffeic Acid bulk powder for sale.

As a leader herbal extract factory certified with cGMP ISO HACCP qualifications, we strictly follow the cGMP standard to ensure good quality. If you are looking for pure Caffeic Acid powder, please contact us directly!

Caffeic Acid Powder

Caffeic acid is an organic acid. Naturally caffeic acid extract powder is in yellow. It exists in a variety of plants, and common raw materials include coffee beans, tea leaves, and vegetables. It has a variety of biological activities that benefit for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries.

Benefits of Caffeic Acid

Antibacterial and antiviral

Caffeic acid has a wide range of antibacterial and antiviral activities. It is against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and exerts an antibacterial effect by interfering with the bacterial protein synthesis process.

Anti-snake venom

Caffeic acid can inhibit snake venom phosphodiesterase, and as an anti-snake venom agent to counteract the effects of neurotoxins.


The natural plant extract caffeic acid can inhibit the production of various inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-6, thereby playing an anti-inflammatory benefits. It has a relieving effect on local or systemic inflammatory reactions caused by various reasons, and can be used to reduce symptoms such as fever, redness and swelling.

Antioxidant and anti-aging

Caffeic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage. Its free radical scavenging ability is 1.8 times, 13.8 times, ja 24.5 times that of chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, and m-coumaric acid, respectively. It can effectively inhibits lipid peroxidation. Effectively removes superoxide anion free radicals and hydroxyl free radicals, and has good reducing power to chelate ferrous ions.


It has the function of preventing ultraviolet rays, which benefits for skin from the sun, so can be added to many sunscreen products.


It has the effect of increasing white blood cells and platelets and improving coagulation factors. They are suitable for hemostasis, as well as hemostasis of hemorrhagic diseases. They are also used for leukopenia and thrombocytopenia caused by various reasons.

Promote digestion

This kind powder contain a large amount of caffeine, tea polyphenols and other ingredients, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, help digestion and absorption of food, and improve discomfort symptoms caused by indigestion, such as abdominal distension, kõhukinnisus, jne.

Promote blood circulation

Caffeic acid contains a large amount of flavonoids, alkaloids and other ingredients, which can dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and to a certain extent, can also benefit for improving circulation.

Pain relief

The alkaloids in caffeic acid can inhibit the activity of the central nervous system, thereby achieving the effect of analgesia, and to a certain extent, can also relieve discomfort such as migraine and tension headaches.

Promote wound healing

The caffeic acid ingredient can enhance the phagocytic ability of macrophages, accelerate the removal of necrotic tissue and the formation of new granulation tissue, and promote collagen fiber synthesis, which is beneficial to wound healing. It has a certain effect on promoting healing of superficial wounds, ulcers, jne. The medication time can be extended according to the condition.

bulk 99% Caffeic Acid powder with COA file
Caffeic Acid can prevent ultraviolet rays, Protect skin from the Sun


  • Toote nimi: Caffeic Acid
  • Allikas: Coffee bean
  • Spetsifikatsioon: 99%
  • Värv: Kollane pulber
  • CAS nr: 331-39-5
  • Keemiline valem: C9H8O4
  • Molekulmass: 180.157
  • Lahustuvus: It can be soluble in ethanol, vesi.
  • Säilitamine: Please seal it after use. Store it in a dry, lahe koht, and avoid the light.
chemical formula of Caffeic Acid 331-39-5


Toote nimiAllikasCAS nr
Caffeic AcidCoffee bean331-39-5
Analüüsi üksusedSpetsifikatsioonKatsemeetod
Füüsikalised ja keemilised omadused
VälimusKollane pulberVisuaalne
Osakeste suurus≥99% läbi 80 võrkCh.P.C.Reegel47
Kaod kuivamisel≤5,0%Ch.P.C.Reegel52
Heavy Metals≤10,0 ppmAatomineeldumine
Kaadmium(Cd)≤0,5 ppmAatomineeldumine
Merkuur(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAatomineeldumine
Arseen(Nagu)≤1,0 ppmAatomineeldumine
Plii(Pb)≤0,5 ppmAatomineeldumine
Lahustite jäägid
– Etanool≤1000 PPMGaasikromatograafia
Mikrobioloogiline kvaliteet (Kogu elujõuline aeroobne arv)
Plaatide koguarv,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Hallitus ja pärm Count,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliPuudubCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusPuudubCh.P.C.Rule80
*Säilitamise seisukord: Store it in a tightly closed plastic bag and keep it in a cool dry place. Keep away from strong direct light.
*KINTAI lubab kõiki tooteid: Kiiritamata / Mitte-ETO/ Töötle ainult kuumusega / Mitte-GMO
Saatmine & Pakendamine
  • Pakendamine: Toidukvaliteediga koti sees, välimine alumiiniumfooliumist kott.
    25kg kasutada kahekihilist plastmahutit/kiudtrumlit.
    Või teie valik.
  • OEM-teenus on saadaval: Kohandatud lkpakend saadaval, lisateabe saamiseks klõpsake siin.
  • Saatmine: DHL / FEDEX / EMS/ ÕHUGA / MERE TEEL
  • Ameerika ladu: KINTAI pani üle 100 looduslikud taimeekstrakti koostisosad meie USA laos kiireks kohaletoimetamiseks.
  • Makse: Aktsepteerime makseid T / T kaudu, L/C, Paypal, ja Wester Union.

Võtke meiega ühendust ja me juhendame teid lihtsalt ja professionaalselt teie tellimuse vormistamisega.

Meie kohta
ISO GMP HACCP sertifitseeritud tehas



ISO GMP sertifikaat
Kas olete tootja või kaubandusettevõte??

Oleme tootja.

Mis on MOQ?

Meie MOQ on paindlik vahemikus 0,1 kg kuni 1 kg, võtke meiega ühendust üksikasjade saamiseks.

Mis on teie hinnad?

Meie hinnad sõltuvad pakkumisest ja turuteguritest, pärast lisateabe saamiseks meiega ühendust võtmist saadame teile ajakohastatud hinnakirja.

What's your lead time?

Enamik meie laos olevaid tooteid on võimalik kohale toimetada 3 tööpäevad, kohandatud tooted vajavad täiendavat kinnitust.

Millised on teie maksetingimused?

Aktsepteerime makseid T / T kaudu, L/C, Paypal, Wester Union:
Võtke meiega ühendust ja me juhendame teid lihtsalt ja professionaalselt teie tellimuse vormistamisega.

Kas ma saan testi jaoks tasuta proovi?

Jah, tasuta näidis saadaval.

Kuidas tagada, et toode on kvalifitseeritud?

Meie GMP tehases on täielik kvaliteedikontrollisüsteem 100,000 tasemel puhta tootmise töökoda, ja iga partii peab olema 100% läbis QC.

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