Rosmariiniuute 98% Rosmarinic Acid

Tuotteen nimi: Rosmarinic Acid
Lähde: the stems and leaves of rosemary
Tekniset tiedot : 18%, 60%, 98%
Ulkonäkö : 18% 60% in brown powder, 98% in white
CAS-nro: 20283-92-5
Testimenetelmä: HPLC
Säilyvyys: 2 Vuosia
Sertit: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Sisältö: Luonnollinen, Ei-lisäaine,Ei-GMO,Käsittele vain lämmöllä


Product Description

Rosmarinic acid powder is a natural phenolic acid compound extract from rosemary, a plant of the Lamiaceae family. it is a water-soluble natural antioxidant with strong antioxidant activity that can prevent cell damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of cancer and arteriosclerosis. In addition, rosmarinic acid powder also has certain anti-inflammatory activity and has potential therapeutic effects on antibacterial, antiviral and anti-tumor effects. In the fields of medicine, food and cosmetics, rosmarinic acid has important application value due to its above-mentioned properties.

Rosemary extract Rosmarinic Acid powder 98%

Specification Of Rosmarinic Acid

Tuotteen nimiLähdeCAS-nro
Rosmarinic Acid PowderRosmariini20283-92-5
Assay of Rosmarinic Acid98%HPLC
Fysikaaliset ja kemialliset ominaisuudet
UlkonäköValkoinen jauheVisuaalinen
Partikkelikoko≥99 % läpi 80 verkkoCh.P.C.Rule47
Tuhka≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule2302
Kuivaushäviö≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule52
Heavy Metals of Rosmarinic Acid ≤10,0 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Kadmium(CD)≤1,0 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Merkurius(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Arseeni(Kuten)≤1,0 ppmAtomiabsorptio
– Etanoli≤1000 PPMKaasukromatografia
Mikrobiologinen laatu (Kokonaiselinkelpoinen aerobinen määrä) of Rosmarinic Acid Powder
Levyjen kokonaismäärä,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Homeen ja hiivan määrä,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliNegativeCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusNegativeCh.P.C.Rule80
*Säilytysolosuhteet: Store in tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Do not freeze. Suojaa aina voimakkaalta suoralta valolta.
*KINTAI Promise Kaikki tuotteet: Ei säteilytetty / Ei-ETO/ Vain lämpökäsittely / Ei-GMO

Function and Benefits

  1. Antioxidant effect: Rosmarinic acid powder has free radical scavenging activity and antioxidant effects in the body.
  2. Antidepressant effect.
  3. Antibacterial effect of rosmarinic acid.

    Rosmarinic acid extract has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, inhibiting both bacteria and fungi. Rosemary extract powder has inhibitory effects on bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus luteus, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Rhizococcus solani.
    (1) Inhibit bacteria: Rosemary extract powder has a significant inhibitory effect on Bacillus subtilis, Lactococcus luteus and Escherichia coli.
    (2) Inhibiting fungi: The inhibitory activity of rosmarinic acid on mycelial growth and spore germination of different plant pathogenic fungi.
    (3) Inhibit mold: Rosmarinic acid extract has an inhibitory effect on both Phytophthora and mold spores, which cause soil-borne diseases, and effectively reduces the germination of zoospores.

  4. Anti-inflammatory effects of rosmarinic acid extract.

    (1) Anti-nephritis effect: Rosmarinic acid extract can inhibit both glomerular mesangial cell proliferation and glomerular expansion.
    (2) Anti-hepatitis effect: Rosemary extract powder can reduce lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced liver damage and significantly inhibit the increase in plasma aminotransferase levels.
    (3) Anti-pneumonia effect: Rosmarinic acid inhibits lung injury characterized by neutrophil retention and interstitial edema induced by diesel exhaust particles.
    (4) Anti-arthritic effect: Rosemary extract powder can inhibit collagen-induced arthritis and significantly reduce arthritis and the number of affected joints.
    (5) Anti-periodontitis effect: Rosmarinic acid extract can inhibit the formation of bacterial plaque, so preventing chronic gingivitis.
    (6) Anti-dermatitis effect: Rosmarinic acid has a relieving effect on atopic dermatitis, also known as atopic eczema or atopic eczema.

  5. Antiviral effects of rosmarinic acid powder.

    (1) Anti-herpes virus: Rosmarinic acid shows special activity against type I and type II herpes simplex viruses, and can quickly bind to the viral coat protein, so inactivating the virus.
    (2) Anti-HIV: Rosmarinic acid powder can inhibit the activity of HIV-1 (human immunodeficiency virus 1) integrase.
    (3) Anti-encephalitis virus: Rosmarinic acid can reduce the mortality rate of mice suffering from Japanese encephalitis virus, significantly reduce the viral load, and make the virus less likely to spread.

  6. Anti-cancer and anti-tumor effects of rosmarinic acid: Rosmarinic acid extract inhibits the expression of CCL11 and CCR3 by inhibiting the activity of β-kinase and nuclear factor kappa B activation-related genes to achieve anti-tumor purposes.
  7. Anti-allergic effect:Rosmarinic acid extract can inhibit allergic inflammation induced by micro-allergens.
  8. Antioxidant effect: Rosmarinic acid has good free radical scavenging and antioxidant effects.
  9. Anti-thrombotic and anti-platelet aggregation effects: Rosmarinic acid can inhibit the formation of malondialdehyde in human platelets in vitro. Its IC50 value is 3.37nmol/L, indicating that rosmarinic acid powder has anti-platelet aggregation activity.
  10. Anti-radiation and anti-ultraviolet effects: Rosmarinic acid can be used as a photoprotectant to protect against radiation and ultraviolet rays.
  11. Other functions of rosmarinic acid extract

    (1) Stabilizing effect on color (2) Inhibitory effect on hyaluronidase (3) Inhibitory effect on xanthine oxidase (4) Hepatoprotective effect
    (5) Inhibit angiogenesis (6) Prevent arteriosclerosis (7) Prevent memory damage (8) Use as cosmetics

Rosmarinic Acid benefit for

Physicochemical property

Rosmarinic acid extract is a water-soluble substance. The source of rosemary is light yellow to brown powder with low content, and white powder with high content. It absorbs moisture easily and has the special herbal smell of rosemary.

Melting point: 171℃~175℃.

Stability: Rosmarinic acid has good stability. Salt and sucrose have no effect on the stability of rosmarinic acid; pH and temperature have little effect on the stability of rosmarinic acid. The results show that rosmarinic acid is more suitable for storage and use under acidic and low-temperature conditions.

rosemary plant and rosmarinic acid powder

Relative Blog

Relative Products

Rosemary leaf extract Rosmarinic Acid, Carnosic Acid, Ursolihappo

Tuotteen nimi: Rosemary Leaf Extract
Active Ingredient: Rosmarinic Acid, Carnosic Acid, Ursolihappo
Tekniset tiedot:10% – 98%
CAS-nro: RA 20283-92-5, UA 77-52-1, RA 20283-92-5
Ulkonäkö: White to yellow brown powder
Testimenetelmä: HPLC
Säilyvyys: 2 Vuosia
Sertit: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Sisältö: Luonnollinen, Ei-lisäaine, Ei-GMO, Käsittele vain lämmöllä

Rosmariiniuute 5% – 98% Carnosic Acid

Tuotteen nimi: Carnosic Acid
Lähde: Rosemary leaf
Tekniset tiedot : 5%,10%,50%,90%,98%
Ulkonäkö : Brown yellow powder
CAS-nro: 3650-09-7
Testimenetelmä: HPLC
Säilyvyys: 2 Vuosia
Sertit: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Sisältö: Luonnollinen, Ei-lisäaine,Ei-GMO,Käsittele vain lämmöllä

Rosmariiniuute 20% – 98% Ursolihappo

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Tekniset tiedot: 25%, 90%, 98%
Lähde: Loquatin lehtiä, Rosmariini
Ulkonäkö: Valkoisesta keltaiseen, vihreä ruskea jauhe
Testimenetelmä: HPLC
Säilyvyys: 2 Vuosia
Sertit: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Sisältö: Luonnollinen, Ei-lisäaine, Ei-GMO, Käsittele vain lämmöllä

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