Gentian/Gentiana scabra root extract Gentiopicrin 98% Gentiopicroside

Tuotteen nimi: Gentiopicroside (Gentiopicrin)
Tekniset tiedot: 3%, 5%, 10%, 98% Gentiopicroside
Lähde: Root of Gentian, Gentiana acaulis plant
CAS-nro: 20831-76-9
Ulkonäkö: Valkoinen jauhe
Testimenetelmä: HPLC
Säilyvyys: 2 Vuosia
Sertit: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Sisältö: Luonnollinen, Ei-lisäaine, Ei-GMO, Käsittele vain lämmöllä


High Quality Gentian root extract Gentiopicroside

Gentian(Gentiana scabra) root extract Gentiopicroside(Gentiopicrin) manufacturer KINTAI - A herbal extract factory in China with cGMP ISO HACCP qualifications.

We supply the high-quality cosmetic grade Gentiopicroside extract from plant Gentian, with high purity to 98% test by HPLC.

Free sample, fast delivery, American warehouse, OEM service available. Welcome contact us for further cooperation!

dried root of gentian/gentiana scabra plant, raw material of gentiopicroside extract powder

Dried root of Gentian/Gentiana plant

purple blue gentian, gentiana scabra flower

Gentian, Gentiana scabra flower

Product Description

What is Gentian root extract Gentiopicroside?

Gentiopicroside(Gentiopicrin) extract, from the Gentiana/gentian plant and is one of its active ingredients. The Gentiopicrin mainly exists in the roots and stems of gentian. Traditional Chinese medicine records that the herb gentian is beneficial to the gallbladder and stomach, and has anti-inflammatory and blood pressure balance effects.

In 1905, Herrissey obtained Gentiopicroside by sterilization. Gentian root extract has many skin benefits, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, anti-aging, anti-allergic, anti-viral, anti-itching, and wound healing effects. Especially the high-purity 98% Gentiopicroside, widely used in the cosmetics industry. It also has pharmacological effects such as pain relief, liver protection, stomach nourishing, and antidepressant. Which can be used to treat related diseases.

Source plant Gentiana acaulis

Gentiana belongs to the Gentianaceae family. It's main active ingredient is gentiopicroside. It also contains flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, alkaloids, phenylethanol glycosides, benzophenone, and anthraquinones compounds.

Ulkonäkö: Gentian is a renascent herb. The stems are 15-50cm tall and purple or yellow-green. Leaves are often ovate. The flower corolla is funnel-shaped, 11-18 mm long, blue or blue-purple, with the blue-purple spots.

Medicinal parts: Roots and stems.

Distribution area: Gentian plant generally grows in most provinces of China like Shaanxi - the place our factory is located. It is also growing in the Russia, North Korea, and Japan. Under the shady bushes on the hillside at an altitude of 1800-4400m.

wild purple blue gentian plant, gentiana scabra flower, bloom under the snowy mountains

Property of Gentiopicroside

  • Tuotteen nimi: Gentian root extract Gentiopicroside
  • Other English Name: Gentiopicrin
  • Erittely: 3%, 5%, 10%, 98% Gentiopicroside
  • Extract Source: Root of Gentian, Gentiana acaulis plant
  • CAS-nro: 20831-76-9
  • Kemiallinen kaava: C16H20O9
  • Molekyylipaino: 356.325
  • Väri: Valkoinen jauhe
  • Liukoisuus: Gentiopicroside soluble in water, and ethanol.
  • Varastointi: Store gentiana scabra root extract powder in a dry, viileä paikka, avoid the light.
formula structure of Gentiopicroside extract powder

Specification of Gentian root extract Gentiopicroside

Tuotteen nimiLähdeCAS-nro
GentiopicrosideRoot of Gentiana acaulis plant20831-76-9
Assay of Gentiopicroside98%HPLC
Fysikaaliset ja kemialliset ominaisuudet
UlkonäköValkoinen jauheVisuaalinen
Partikkelikoko≥99 % läpi 80 verkkoCh.P.C.Rule47
Tuhka≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule2302
Kuivaushäviö≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule52
Heavy Metals of Gentiopicrin powder≤10,0 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Kadmium(CD)≤0,5 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Merkurius(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Arseeni(Kuten)≤1,0 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Johtaa(Pb)≤0,5 ppmAtomiabsorptio
– Etanoli≤1000 PPMKaasukromatografia
Mikrobiologinen laatu (Kokonaiselinkelpoinen aerobinen määrä) of Gentian root extract powder
Levyjen kokonaismäärä,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Homeen ja hiivan määrä,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliPoissaCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusPoissaCh.P.C.Rule80
*Säilytysolosuhteet: Store in tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Suojaa aina voimakkaalta suoralta valolta.
*KINTAI Promise Kaikki tuotteet: Ei säteilytetty / Ei-ETO/ Vain lämpökäsittely / Ei-GMO

Function and Application

Main functions of Gentian root extract powder

1. Skincare

The gentian root extract 98% Gentiopicroside has a common usage in cosmetics. It has the effects of anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-viral, and anti-itching, it also can promote wound healing. In skin care, it is mainly used to treat dermatitis, eczema, and skin diseases such as seborrheic dermatitis. and if you are interested you can read more in our blog.

2. Anti-allergy

Gentian root extract Gentiopicroside has anti-allergic properties and treats allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, urticaria, and skin allergies.

3. Antiviraalinen

Gentian extract Gentiopicroside has applications in antiviral treatment such as treating viral colds, herpes zoster, and other diseases.

4. Anti-inflammatorinen

The main component of gentian root extract is gentiopicroside, which has strong anti-inflammatory effects and can alleviate allergic asthma, arthritis, and gastritis. In addition, it can relieve inflammatory symptoms such as pain and swelling. It inhibit the infiltration and aggregation of white blood cells, thereby reducing the occurrence of tissue damage and inflammatory reactions.

skincare benefit, cosmetic
skin inflammatory symptom

5. Stomach benefit

The gentiopicrin extract from gentian root can eliminate sensitive bacteria in the stomach, and regulate gastric acid secretion. It can keep the gastric acid volume stable, prevent damage to the stomach lining, therefore prevent gastritis and gastric ulcer. It can also adjust gastric juice secretion in two directions, when the digestive ability of the stomach is weakened, Gentiopicroside extract will increase gastric acid content, thereby promoting digestion and appetite.

6. Gallbladder benefit

Gentian root extract Gentiopicroside has a significant gallbladder benefit effect. Its injection can significantly increase bile flow. As the study result shows, Gentiopicrin can increase bile secretion in rats and promote gallbladder contraction in dogs.

7. Anti-depressant

Natural gentian root extract has certain effects on reducing symptoms of depression, such as low mood, loss of interest, slow thinking, and decreased concentration. The occurrence of depression is mainly related to abnormal cortisol levels and damage to the function of the central nervous system. Studies have found that gentiopicroside helps reverse the damage caused by cortisol to the body.

8. Liver protection

Gentiopicroside can promote the regeneration and repair of liver cells and improve liver function. It can not only improve the imbalance of lipid metabolism caused by long-term alcohol abuse, but also reduce fat deposition in liver. It has a certain cure effect on liver diseases such as fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis.

Promote liver health
stomach protect function, terveydenhuolto
Antidepressant and become happy

More About Gentiana Scabra Root Extract Powder

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GMP-tehtaallamme on täydellinen laadunvalvontajärjestelmä 100,000 tason puhtaan tuotannon työpaja, ja jokaisen erän täytyy olla 100% läpäissyt QC:n.

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