Vine tea extract 98% dhm Dihydromyricetin Ampelopsin

Tuotteen nimi: Dihydromyricetin powder
Muut nimet: DHM, Ampelopsin
Lähde: Vine tea
Tekniset tiedot: 20%, 50%, 98% Dihydromyrisetiini
CAS-nro: 27200-12-0
Ulkonäkö: White to yellow brown powder
Testimenetelmä: HPLC
Säilyvyys: 2 Vuosia
Sertit: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Sisältö: Luonnollinen, Ei-lisäaine, Ei-GMO, Käsittele vain lämmöllä


High Quality DHM Dihydromyricetin Powder

Vine tea extract powder 98% DHM dihydromyricetin manufacturer KINTAI - A leader herbal extract factory in China with cGMP ISO HACCP qualifications.

We supply the best price Vine tea extract DHM powder with high purity 98% Dihydromyricetin test by HPLC. Free sample, fast delivery, OEM service available.

In market, there's a problem that DHM solubility in water is low. The solubility at 25°C is 0.0691g/100g water, while the solubility at 100°C is only 1.59g/100g water. After our R&D team study, we found a way to dissolve it better in water. welcome contact us for further cooperation!

white 98% DHM dihydromyricetin ampelopsin extract powder, with dried vine tea herb, ampelopsis grossedentata tea

KINTAI tehtaan tarjonta 98% DHM extract powder

Vine tea extract DHM/Dihydromyricetin/Ampelopsin 98% jauhe, with dried vine tea plant

white Vine tea extract bulk Ampelopsin powder , 98% dhm dihydromyricetin extract, pack in food grade transparent bag

Picture before shipment

Inner package normally use food grade transparent bags, or as customized private package

Product Description

What is DHM dihydromyricetin?

Dihydromyrisetiini (DHM) is also known as Ampelopsin, is from the vine tea(ampelopsis grossedentata) plant extract. The main active ingredients of vine tea are flavonoids. These substances have many health benefits functions, such as antioxidant, anti-thrombotic, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, blood pressure lowering, blood sugar lowering and other functions.

DHM Dihydromyricetin is a special flavonoid. In addition to the general properties of flavonoids mentioned above, DHM extract also has the function of protecting the liver. Taking it in a proper dosage can relieve alcohol poisoning, prevent alcoholic liver disease and fatty liver disease. Meanwhile it can inhibit the deterioration of liver cells, and reduce the incidence of liver cancer. It is a good product for relieving hangover and sobering up.

DHM source plant vine tea

Vine tea has a long history of medicinal use in China. It is the branches and leaves of the grape plant Ampelopsis grossedentata. It grows in southwest China, such as Shaanxi, Gansu, and Hubei provinces.

Vine tea is different from other tea plants. Compared with ordinary tea, vine tea has more complete nutrients and strong healthcare functions.

In particular, the content of flavonoids and selenium is much higher than that of green tea and scented tea. Vine tea does not contain tannic acid, which will not affect the digestion and absorption of protein. It also will not reduce the iron element, a raw material for hematopoiesis. Vine tea also does not contain stimulant compounds such as caffeine, which is good for people with anemia, insomnia or indigestion.

dried vine tea, ampelopsis grossedentata tea, spoon
green vine tea fresh leaves

Property of Dihydromyricetin

  • Tuotteen nimi: Dihydromyrisetiini
  • Other English Name: DHM, Ampelopsin
  • Erittely: 20%, 50%, 98% Dihydromyrisetiini
  • Extract Source: Vine tea(Ampelopsis grossedentata tea)
  • CAS-nro: 27200-12-0
  • Kemiallinen kaava: C15H12O8
  • Molekyylipaino:320.251
  • Väri: White to yellow-brown powder
  • Liukoisuus: Dihydromyricetin slightly soluble in cold water, has higher solubility in ethanol.
  • Varastointi: Store DHM Dihydromyricetin powder in a dry, viileä paikka, avoid the light.
98% vine tea DHM dihydromyricetin ampelopsin test by HPLC report

Specification of DHM dihydromyricetin

Tuotteen nimiLähdeCAS-nro
DihydromyrisetiiniVine tea27200-12-0
Assay of DHM98%HPLC
Fysikaaliset ja kemialliset ominaisuudet
UlkonäköValkoinen jauheVisuaalinen
Partikkelikoko≥99 % läpi 80 verkkoCh.P.C.Rule47
Tuhka≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule2302
Kuivaushäviö≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule52
Heavy Metals of DHM powder≤10,0 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Kadmium(CD)≤0,5 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Merkurius(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Arseeni(Kuten)≤1,0 ppmAtomiabsorptio
Johtaa(Pb)≤0,5 ppmAtomiabsorptio
– Etanoli≤1000 PPMKaasukromatografia
Mikrobiologinen laatu (Kokonaiselinkelpoinen aerobinen määrä) of DHM extract powder
Levyjen kokonaismäärä,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Homeen ja hiivan määrä,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliPoissaCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusPoissaCh.P.C.Rule80
*Säilytysolosuhteet: Store in tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Suojaa aina voimakkaalta suoralta valolta.
*KINTAI Promise Kaikki tuotteet: Ei säteilytetty / Ei-ETO/ Vain lämpökäsittely / Ei-GMO

Function and Application

Main functions of dhm dihydromyricetin extract powder

1. Liver Protection

DHM Dihydromyricetin extract from vine tea can protect the liver. Dihydromyricetin powder works quickly and can relieve hangovers and sober up. It has long-lasting effects and protects the liver.

It can accelerate the rapid decomposition of acetaldehyde, the metabolite of ethanol. Make it into non-toxic substances, therefore reducing its damage to liver cells. In addition, DHM extract powder can inhibit the formation of collagen fibers in hepatic M cells, thereby protecting the liver and quickly restoring the normal state of the liver.

2. Antioxidation

Dihydromyricetin with a purity of 98% has a free radical scavenging rate of 73.3% to 91.5%.
Studies have shown that vine tea extract DHM can obvious inhibit the production of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the heart, liver and brain. As the concentration of DHM increases, the inhibiting MDA production effect increases significantly, and the antioxidant effect also increases.

3. Antibakteerinen

DHM dihydromyricetin extract can Inhibit bacterial growth and reproduction, and normally as an antibacterial ingredient to treat a variety of bacteria. Such as Staphylococcus, beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, Escherichia coli, Shigella dysenteriae, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, jne.

4. Regulate blood sugar and lipids

Experiments show that dihydromyricetin extract can significantly inhibit the increase in blood sugar induced by alloxan, epinephrine, streptozotocin, jne.

5. Antituumori

Vine tea extract has a good anti-cancer effect. It has a suppression effect on the proliferation of specific cancer cells. As one of the active ingredients of anti-tumor drugs, dihydromyricetin extract can improve the effect of tumor treatment and improve patients' survival rate by inhibiting the growth of tumor vessels and enhancing the immune system.
DHM extract already obtained invention patent authorization in the application field of anti-leukemia and nasopharyngeal cancer drugs.

DHM dihydromyricetin extract can protect liver to be healthy
Promote liver health

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ISO GMP HACCP -sertifioitu tehdas



ISO GMP sertifikaatti
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MOQ on joustava 0,1 kg - 1 kg, ota yhteyttä saadaksesi lisätietoja.

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Useimmat varastossamme olevat tuotteet voidaan toimittaa sisällä 3 työpäiviä, räätälöidyt tuotteet tarvitsevat lisävahvistuksen.

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Ota yhteyttä, niin opastamme sinut helposti ja ammattitaidolla tilauksesi tekemiseen.

Voinko saada ilmaisen näytteen testiä varten?

Kyllä, ilmainen näyte saatavilla.

Kuinka varmistaa, että tuote on pätevä?

GMP-tehtaallamme on täydellinen laadunvalvontajärjestelmä 100,000 tason puhtaan tuotannon työpaja, ja jokaisen erän täytyy olla 100% läpäissyt QC:n.

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