Extrait de poivre noir 95% 98% biopérine pipérine

Nom du produit: Pipérine/Biopérine en poudre
Source: Fruit de Piper nigrum L.
Caractéristiques: 95% 98% Pipérine
Apparence: Poudre blanche à jaune clair
n ° CAS: 94-62-2
Méthode d'essai: HPLC
Durée de conservation: 2 Années
Certificats: BPF, ISO 9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KASCHER, HALAL
Contenu: Naturel, Sans additif, Sans OGM, Traiter par la chaleur uniquement


High Quality Black Pepper Extract Piperine Powder

Black pepper extract piperine powder KINTAI supplier - Un fabricant leader d'extraits de plantes en Chine et certifié ISO GMP HACCP.

KINTAI has high-quality Piperine powder with the pure specification of 95%, 98%, et autres spécifications personnalisées disponibles.

Nous fournissons également un service à guichet unique OEM, comme les capsules, comprimés, private packages, and labels, bienvenue contactez-nous pour plus d'informations!

bulk light yellow piperine bioperine extract powder in plate

What is Piperine?

Pipérine, or bioperine, is a natural alkaloid powder extracted from black pepper. It generally exists in the dried near-ripe or mature fruits of Piper nigrum L., a plant in the Piperaceae family, and is usually from black pepper. Piperine is found in the fruits of various pepper plants and is the main ingredient of its spicy flavor. The market has black pepper and white pepper, and the content of piperine is 5% à 9%, sometimes as high as 11%.

Origine: Dans 1819, a yellow powder piperine was first extracted from pepper. En outre, pepper extracts contain various alkaloids such as piperolein B, pipericine, piperylin A, and piperonine , which also have spicy and stimulating tastes. Piperine also has the highest content and highest activity among all alkaloids in pepper.

Piperine Extract Source: Pepper is popular as the "king of spices", black pepper and white pepper are the most common types on the market.

Plant Pepper is grown in tropical and subtropical areas such as Guangdong, Guangxi, and Yunnan in China. Harvest when the fruit is dark green from late autumn to the following spring. After drying, it will be "poivre noir". If all the fruits have turned red, harvest it. Soak it in water for several days, wipe off the outer peel, and dry it in the sun, then it is gray-white inside as "poivre blanc".

Nom du produit: Pipérine, Bioperine

Source: Piper nigrum L.

n ° CAS: 94-62-2

Formule chimique: C17H19NO3

Masse moléculaire: 285.34

Couleur: Poudre blanche à jaune clair

Solubilité: Soluble in acetic acid, ethanol and chloroform, slightly soluble in ether.

Safety: Piperine is relatively safe and does not show any negative effects even when taken in high doses. It has also obtained GRAS certification from the US FDA.

formula structure of black pepper extract piperine
KINTAI supplier black pepper planting base for piperine extract production
black pepper and white pepper in wood spoon
green black pepper plant with pepper fruit

Specification of Black Pepper Extract Piperine

Nom du produitSourcen ° CAS
Black pepper extract piperine powderPiper nigrum L.94-62-2
Éléments d'analysespécificationMéthode d'essai
Assay of piperine95%HPLC
Proprietes physiques et chimiques
Apparencelight yellow powderVisuel
La taille des particules≥99 % Grâce à 80 engrenerCh.P.C.Règle47
Perte au séchage≤5,0%Ch.P.C.Règle52
Heavy Metals of Piperine powder≤10,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Cadmium(CD)≤1,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Mercure(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAbsorption atomique
Arsenic(Comme)≤1,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Plomb(Pb)≤2,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Solvants résiduels
– Éthanol≤1000 ppmChromatographie des gaz
Qualité microbiologique (Nombre total d’aérobies viables) of Piperine powder
Nombre total de plaques,ufc/g≤1000 UFC/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Nombre de moisissures et de levures,ufc/g≤ 100 UFC/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliNégatifCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusNégatifCh.P.C.Rule80
*Condition de stockage: Conserver dans un sac en plastique bien fermé et conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Tenir toujours à l’abri de la lumière directe et forte.
*KINTAI promet tous les produits: Non irradié / Non-ETO/traitement par la chaleur uniquement / Sans OGM

Fonction et application

Piperine extract from black pepper has the effects of bioavailability promotion, antioxydant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, sedative, neuroprotective, and anti-depressant. It is used to treat symptoms such as cold stomach and abdominal pain, arthrite, epilepsy, depression, and rough skin. It also has anti-convulsant and weight-loss functions, can increase the body's metabolic rate, and improve blood circulation.

Piperine powder is widely used in medical, food, drinks, produits de beauté, and healthcare products, regardons maintenant les détails.

Function of black pepper extract piperine

1. Bioavailability Promotion

Bioavailability is an important indicator of the degree of absorption and utilization by the body.

Piperine powder has been used as a bioavailability enhancer for over 20 années. It improves bioavailability when taken with most nutrients: water or oil-soluble vitamins, multivitamins, plant extracts, minerals, and other nutrients.

Studies have shown that BioPerine can increase the absorption rate of curcumin by 20 times. Piperine can also enhance the permeability of the small intestinal epithelial cell membrane, improving the absorption of Q10 and other nutrients in the small intestine.

Donc, when taking turmeric supplements, you can check whether there is black pepper (piperine) added to it, then the turmeric can be better absorbed. En outre, piperine is relatively safe, so you don’t have to worry about side effects if you consume too much.

2. Anti-inflammatoire

Pipérine, the main active ingredient in black pepper, can reduce inflammation.

In a rat study, staining showed that piperine significantly reduced areas of inflammation in the ankle joint, with less joint swelling and fewer inflammatory markers.

3. Antioxidant effect

As the active compound in black pepper, piperine powder is rich in antioxidants, it can prevent and delay the damaging effects of free radicals from outside, therefore protecting the body from oxidative stress.

black pepper extract piperine promote bioavailability of turmeric curcumin
Anti-inflammatory function

4. Effects on the central nervous system

Piperine has Neuroprotective, sedative, hypnotic, anti-convulsant, skeletal muscle relaxation, and anti-depressant effects. Studying the effect of piperine on animal sleep, shows that piperine can significantly reduce the spontaneous activities of mice and extend the sleep time of mice. It can also obviously increase the deep sleep of rabbits.

Serving piperine also improves brain function by reducing the production of amyloid plaques, the damaging proteins associated with Alzheimer's disease.

One study designed a model of Alzheimer's disease and gave adult male Wistar rats piperine. After 10 weeks, Wistar's memory impairment in the hippocampus improved significantly, and cognitive function increased a lot.

5. Lose weight

Nature Piperine extract may reduce weight by improving insulin and leptin sensitivity.

6. Anticonvulsant

In traditional Chinese medicine, doctors use black pepper to stop convulsions. stop convulsions. Because piperine has anticonvulsant properties and can help regulate neurohormonal levels and enhance nerve regeneration and cell protection.

7. Other Function

In traditional Chinese medicine, black pepper extract can treat: warm the stomach (traiter l'indigestion, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, also diarrhea), dispel colds (treat common colds and fevers), relieve pain (treat constipation, bloating, nausea, and cramps), and treat malaria.

In Ayurvedic medicine, people use black pepper to treat: cleanse, and detoxify (helps sweating and urination, removes toxins from the blood), help nutrient absorption, also help transport oxygen quickly to the brain, maintain respiratory health, repair and maintain joint health, and kill parasites.

black pepper extract Piperine powder has Neuroprotective, sedative, hypnotic, anti-convulsant, skeletal muscle relaxation, and anti-depressant effects.
weight loss function
skincare cosmetic ingredient herbal extract benefit skin

Mainly applications of piperine powder

1. As a medicinal raw material for arthritis, rheumatism, anti-inflammation, swelling, etc..
2. As an active ingredient in health care products for multiple purposes such as improving blood circulation and soothe nerves.
3. As an active ingredient in skincare products, used in the cosmetics industry.
4. Piperine also is widely used in food additives to make food taste richer and increase appetite.

Relative Blog Of Piperine Powder

Expédition & Emballage
  • Emballage: Sac intérieur de qualité alimentaire, sac extérieur en papier d'aluminium.
    25kg utiliser un récipient en plastique double couche/fût en fibre.
    Ou votre choix.
  • Service OEM disponible: P personnaliséemballage disponible, Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.
  • Expédition: DHL / FEDEX / EMS/ PAR AÉRIEN / PAR LA MER
  • Entrepôt américain: KINTAI remis 100 ingrédients d'extraits naturels de plantes dans notre entrepôt américain pour une livraison rapide.
  • Paiement: Nous acceptons le paiement par T/T, L/C, Pay Pal, et Union occidentale.

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Usine certifiée ISO GMP HACCP



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