Extrait de son de riz Oryza Céramide

Nom du produit: Céramide
Source: Son de riz(Oryza)
Caractéristiques: 1% – 98%
Apparence: Poudre blanche à jaune
n ° CAS: 100403-19-8
Méthode d'essai: HPLC
Durée de conservation: 2 Années
Certificats: BPF, ISO 9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KASCHER, HALAL
Contenu: Naturel, Sans additif, Sans OGM, Traiter par la chaleur uniquement


High Quality Oryza Rice Bran Extract Ceramide Powder

Oryza Rice bran extract pure Ceramide powder manufacturer KINTAI - Un fournisseur leader d'extraits de plantes en Chine et certifié ISO GMP HACCP.

KINTAI provides natural rice bran extract oryza Ceramide powder with a high-quality purity test by HPLC.

We have 5%, 10% in stock for fast delivery, et bienvenue à toute personnalisation des spécifications. Nous fournissons également des services OEM comme des marques privées, paquets. bienvenue contactez-nous pour plus d'informations!

Oryza Rice Bran Extract Pure Ceramide powder from kintai
Oryza rice plant

What is Ceramide?

Ceramide is a natural grease found in plants and animals, It exists in all eukaryotic cells, playing an important role in regulating life activities such as cell birth, cell division, growth, and aging.

Professionally speaking, it's a type of amide compound formed by dehydration of fatty acids and the amino group of sphingosine.

Ceramide also is the main component of intercellular lipids in the outer skin layer, about 40% à 50% of the sebum in the stratum corneum is composed of ceramide. It not only has a strong ability to associate with water molecules therefore maintains skin moisture. But also promotes the formation of outer skin, which has the functions of maintaining skin barrier, hydratant, anti-âge, blanchiment, and disease treatment.

For easy understanding, imagine that our outer skin layer is a wall, epidermal cells are the bricks, then ceramides are the cement between the bricks. If there is a lack of cement, guess what will happen to the wall? Light, air, dust, and bugs even mice will sneak in. Same reason for the skin. If the skin lacks ceramide, light, dust, and bacteria will easily invade in. Finally, the skin will gradually become unhealthy.

Property of Ceramide

Nom du produit: Oryza rice bran extract Céramide

Autre nom anglais: Ceramides

Extraire la source: Oryza/ Rice

n ° CAS: 100403-19-8

Formule chimique: C24H47NO3

Masse moléculaire: 397.64

Couleur: Poudre blanche à jaune clair

Solubilité: Soluble dans l'eau, ethanol and oils.

Stockage: Store Ceramide powder in a dry, endroit frais, éviter la lumière.

formula structure of Oryza Rice Bran Extract Ceramide

Specification of Rice Ceramide

Nom du produitSourcen ° CAS
Ceramide powderOryza/Rice Bran100403-19-8
Éléments d'analysespécificationMéthode d'essai
Assay of Ceramide10%HPLC
Proprietes physiques et chimiques
ApparencePoudre jauneVisuel
La taille des particules≥99 % Grâce à 80 engrenerCh.P.C.Règle47
Perte au séchage≤5,0%Ch.P.C.Règle52
Heavy Metals of Ceramide ≤10,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Cadmium(CD)≤1,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Mercure(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAbsorption atomique
Arsenic(Comme)≤1,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Plomb(Pb)≤2,0 ppmAbsorption atomique
Solvants résiduels
– Éthanol≤1000 ppmChromatographie des gaz
Qualité microbiologique (Nombre total d’aérobies viables) of rice Ceramide powder
Nombre total de plaques,ufc/g≤1000 UFC/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Nombre de moisissures et de levures,ufc/g≤ 100 UFC/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliNégatifCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusNégatifCh.P.C.Rule80
*Condition de stockage: Conserver dans un sac en plastique bien fermé et conserver dans un endroit frais et sec. Tenir toujours à l’abri de la lumière directe et forte.
*KINTAI promet tous les produits: Non irradié / Non-ETO/traitement par la chaleur uniquement / Sans OGM

Fonction et application

Function of rice bran extract Ceramide

1. Barrier of skin

Studies have shown that rice bran Ceramide plays an important role in maintaining skin barrier function.

2. Adhesion

The level of ceramide determines the degree of dryness of the skin. Using oryza rice extract pure ceramide can enhance the adhesion between skin cells, improve skin dryness, also reduce skin desquamation.

3. Skin Moisturizing

Ceramide has a strong ability to bind water molecules and maintain skin moisture by forming a network structure in the stratum corneum. Donc, ceramide has the function of maintaining skin moisture.

4. Anti-âge

Ceramide can increase the thickness of the stratum corneum, and enhance the skin's water-holding capacity. It improves skin roughness, reduces wrinkles, enhances skin elasticity, and finally delays skin aging.

5. Cell function

Ceramide has functions such as regulating cell growth variation and inducing unhealthy cell apoptosis.
Because of these effects, it is widely used in the field of medical beauty and freckle removal. Par exemple, adding it to freckle removal products it will has a good effect on treating chloasma.

Ceramide is the Barrier of skin


1. Skincare products

Rice Ceramide's anti-wrinkle and anti-aging functions make it apply in cosmetics and skin care to keep the skin elastic and smooth, therefore reducing the formation of facial wrinkles.

2. Medical aspects

Ceramide participates in various processes such as cell differentiation. During the outer skin layer forming process, ceramide can induce apoptosis. In the process of cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and repair, pure ceramide always plays an extensive and important role.

3. Food industry

Many health foods are using some of the physiological functions of ceramide. These functions include inhibiting the rise in blood pressure, activating immunity, inhibiting lipase activity, and inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells.

Natural plant extract pure ceramide products were also officially commercialized and introduced to the market in 1998. Jusqu'à présent, its products are mainly nutritional supplements and healthcare foods such as functional drinks and tablets.

More Information About Ceramide Powder

Expédition & Emballage
  • Emballage: Sac intérieur de qualité alimentaire, sac extérieur en papier d'aluminium.
    25kg utiliser un récipient en plastique double couche/fût en fibre.
    Ou votre choix.
  • Service OEM disponible: P personnaliséemballage disponible, Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus.
  • Expédition: DHL / FEDEX / EMS/ PAR AÉRIEN / PAR LA MER
  • Entrepôt américain: KINTAI remis 100 ingrédients d'extraits naturels de plantes dans notre entrepôt américain pour une livraison rapide.
  • Paiement: Nous acceptons le paiement par T/T, L/C, Pay Pal, et Union occidentale.

Veuillez nous contacter et nous vous guiderons de manière simple et professionnelle pour votre commande..

À propos de nous
Usine certifiée ISO GMP HACCP



Certificat ISO BPF
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Puis-je obtenir un échantillon gratuit pour le test?

Oui, échantillon gratuit disponible.

Comment garantir que le produit est qualifié?

Notre usine GMP dispose d'un système de contrôle de qualité complet avec 100,000 atelier de production propre de niveau, et chaque lot doit être 100% adopté par QC.

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