タデ根エキス 98% ポリダチン

商品名: ポリダチン
仕様: 90%, 98%
ソース: タデの根
CAS番号: 65914-17-2
外観: 白い粉
試験方法: HPLC
貯蔵寿命: 2 年
証明書: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, コーシャ, ハラール
コンテンツ: 自然, 無添加, 非遺伝子組み換え, 熱のみで治療する


High Quality 98% Polydatin For Sale

High quality polygonum cuspidatum root extract ポリダチン powder for sale, buy bulk ポリダチン from KINTAI manufacturer. A supplier in China certified with ISO cGMP HACCP qualifications.

Our KINTAI is a professional plant extract manufacturer and we strictly follow the GMP standard to ensure the good quality. If you are searching for best source of 98% ポリダチン, 直接お問い合わせください!

What is polygonum cuspidatum root extract polydatin ?

Polydatin is a natural ingredient with multiple biological activities and pharmacological effects.

ソース: Polydatin extract is from the root of the plant Polygonum cuspidatum. Polygonum cuspidatum is distributed in many provinces in China. People dug it in spring and autumn, then remove the the fibrous roots, wash and clean. Cut it into short sections or thick slices while fresh, finally dried it for medicinal use.
As a traditional Chinese medicinal material, Polygonum cuspidatum has multiple pharmacological effects. Its roots can be used to extract pharmaceutical intermediates such as flavonoids, Emodin, レスベラトロール, and Polydatin.

Polygonum cuspidatum plant base

Plant breeding base of polygonum cuspidatum

Polygonum cuspidatum flower

Polygonum cuspidatum flower

Polygonum cuspidatum plant, raw material of polydatin powder

Whole herb


Polygonum cuspidatum root extract Polydatin is extremely powerful and has a variety of biological activities.

Polydatin extract has antioxidant, anti-tumor, 抗炎症, 抗菌, neuroprotective, cardioprotective and immunomodulatory effects. It can regulate blood lipids, lower cholesterol, relieve cough and asthma, and is antibacterial and antiviral.

As a pharm ingredient polydatin can treats cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as myocardial ischemia, cerebral ischemia, and shock. 加えて, polydatin is also used in liver protection, choleretic and other aspects, and its compound preparations also show significant hepatoprotective effects.


  • Pharmaceutical industry: Polydatin extract has a significant antibacterial effect on fungi, and its compound preparation also shows significant hepatoprotective effects. Polydatin injection, as a first-class innovative traditional Chinese medicine, has submitted a clinical application study in the United States, which further proves its value and potential in the medical field.
  • Food and healthcare products: Because polydatin has a variety of bioactive components, it is often used as a food additive or health care product raw material to provide health benefits. 例えば, polydatin’s antioxidant properties help delay oxidative deterioration of food, while its antibacterial properties also help extend the shelf life of food.
  • Cosmetics: Polydatin can significantly resist the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays on human epidermal cells at the cellular level, and has a significant anti-ultraviolet effect.Polydatin extract powder with a purity of 98% is used as an additive in a variety of cosmetics.

Property of Polydatin

  • 商品名: ポリダチン
  • ソース: Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. et Zucc.
  • 仕様: 98%, 他の仕様も利用可能
  • CAS番号: 65914-17-2
  • 化学式: C20H22O8
  • 分子量:407.391
  • 色: 白い粉
  • 溶解性: Soluble in ethyl alcohol.
  • ストレージ: Please seal polygonum cuspidatum root extract Polydatin powder after use, store it in a dry, 涼しい場所, 光を避ける.
ポリダチンパウダー, cas number 65914-17-2


ポリダチンPolygonum cuspidatum root65914-17-2
Assay of Polydatin98%HPLC
粒子サイズ≥99% スルー 80 メッシュCh.P.C.規則 47
≤5.0%Ch.P.C.規則 2302
乾燥減量≤5.0%Ch.P.C.規則 52
Heavy Metals of Polydatin powder≤10.0ppm原子吸光
– エタノール≤1000PPMガスクロマトグラフィー
微生物学的品質 (総生存有酸素数) of Polydatin extract powder
総プレート数,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C.規則 80
カビと酵母の数,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C.規則 80
E. 大腸菌不在Ch.P.C.規則 80
サルモネラ不在Ch.P.C.規則 80
黄色ブドウ球菌不在Ch.P.C.規則 80
*保存条件: Store Polydatin bulk powder in a tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. 常に強い直射光を避けて保管してください.
*KINTAIのすべての商品のお約束: 非照射 / 非ETO/加熱のみで処理 / 非遺伝子組み換え

Relative Product

ブドウ/タデエキス 98% レスベラトロール

商品名: レスベラトロール
仕様: 98%
ソース: ブドウの皮・種, タデ
CAS番号: 501-36-0
外観: 白い粉
試験方法: HPLC
貯蔵寿命: 2 年
証明書: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, コーシャ, ハラール
コンテンツ: 自然, 無添加, 非遺伝子組み換え, 熱のみで治療する

配送 & 包装




当社は以来、ハーブエキス市場のリーダーです 2012




当社のMOQは0.1kgから1kgまで柔軟です。, 詳細はお問い合わせください.


当社の価格は供給と市場の要因によって決まります, 詳細についてはお問い合わせ後、最新の価格表をお送りします。.

What's your lead time?

在庫のあるほとんどの商品は以内に配送可能です 3 営業日, カスタマイズされた製品にはさらなる確認が必要です.


T/Tによるお支払いを受け付けます, 信用状, ペイパル, ウェスターユニオン:


はい, 無料サンプルあり.


当社のGMP工場には、次のような完全な品質管理システムがあります。 100,000 レベルクリーン生産ワークショップ, すべてのバッチは次のようにする必要があります 100% QCに合格しました.
