What is Betulin Used For?
The birch bark remove known as betulin has been acquiring prevalence among those inspired by wellbeing and health. Betulin is a fasci...
클로로겐산이 풍부한 식품과 효능
Chlorogenic acid is a natural extract compound that has multiple biological benefits such as antioxidant, 항염증, and anti...
수면을 위한 아피게닌
Natural Apigenin helps sleep
Apigenin is a natural flavonoid exist in plants such as celery and chamomile. It has a variety of physi...
망고나무 잎의 건강상의 이점
Mango is a tropical fruit with high nutritional value, and the related mango tree leaves also contain many health ingredients which a...
아코니툼의 약용 용도, 진통제 라파코니틴 브롬화수소산염
The root of the plant Aconitum contains the active ingredient lappaconitine, which has important medicinal uses in pharmaceutical int...
Scutellaria baicalensis 추출물 바이칼린은 화장품에 사용됩니다.
스쿠텔라리아 바이칼렌시스(Scutellaria baicalensis) 식물 추출물은 해골뿌리를 건조하여 얻은 담황색 분말 추출물입니다., 주요 구성 요소 및 활성 성분...