
What natural plants contain icariin?

epimedium plants dried leaves the raw material of Icariin

Epimedium plantsthe sources contain icariin and are commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. TheChinese Pharmacopoeiarecords harvest its leaves in summer and autumn then dried in the sun. Serving with its boiled medicine can nourish the kidneys, boost muscles and bones, meanwhile remove rheumatism.

Epimedium has been used as medicine for a long time. It was first recorded inShen Nong’s Materia Medica”.

Epimedium Plants Spieces

Chinese Pharmacopoeia” (2015 edition) records that Icariin plants epimedium has multiple sources such as Epimedium brevicornu, Epimedium sagittatum, North Korea Epimedium koreanum and Epimedium pubescens. Now let’s take a look at different icariin sources Epimedium plants.

1. Icariin plants Epimedium brevicornu

Branch and leaf shape: small leaves are oval, 3-8cm long, 2-6cm wide; the top is slightly pointed, and the top leaflets are heart-shaped. The leaflets on both sides are smaller and eccentric, and the outer leaves are larger, ear-shaped, with spiny edges; the upper surface of the leaf is yellow-green, the lower surface is gray-green, there are 7 to 9 main veins, and the hairs at the base are long and slender.

Characteristics of flowers and fruits: The cone-shaped inflorescence is 10-35cm long, with 20-50 flowers; the flowers are white or light yellow, also and the petals are only 2-3mm long; the stamens are 3-4mm long and extend out. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from June to August.

Main growth areas: Shaanxi, Gansu, Shanxi, Henan, Qinghai, Hubei and Sichuan.


2. Icariin plants Epimedium sagittatum

Characteristics of branches and leaves: The leaflets are 4 to 12cm long and 2.5 to 5cm wide; the bases of the leaflets on both sides are skewed, the outer sides are arrow-shaped, and the leaf edges have spinous teeth. The lower surface is stubby or nearly hairless.

epimedium sagittatum plants leaves the source of Icariin


Characteristics of flowers and fruits: Inflorescence is 10-20cm long, also with 200 flowers; pedicel is about 1cm long, hairless; flowers are white and small, about 8mm in diameter; outer sepals are 4 with purple spots, about 4.5mm long and 2mm wide. The apex is sharp and about 4mm long. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from May to July.

Main growth areas: Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu.


3. Icariin plants Epimedium koreanum

Characteristics of branches and leaves: The leaflets are larger, 4 to 10cm long, 3 to 7cm wide, and have long pointed tips. The back is pale, hairless, or pubescent, and the leaf margins have fine spiny teeth. The leaves are thin and oval.

epimedium koreanum plants leaves the source of Icariin

Flower and fruit characteristics: Inflorescences are terminal, with 4-16 flowers, 10-15cm long. The flowers are large, 2-4.5cm in diameter, also come in various colors including white, light yellow, dark red, or purple-blue. The outer sepals are 4-5mm long and reddish, and the inner sepals are 8-18mm long. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is in May.

Main growth areas: Jilin, Liaoning, Zhejiang, and Anhui.


4. Icariin plants Epimedium pubescens

Characteristics of branches and leaves: The leaflets are larger, 4-10cm long, 3.5-7cm wide, with dense and short velvet on the back, and fine spines on the leaf edges.

epimedium pubescens plants leaves the source of Icariin

Flower and fruit characteristics: Inflorescences with more than 30-100 flowers, 10-20cm long. The flower diameter is about 1cm; the outer sepals are purple also the inner sepals are white, 5-7mm long; the petals are light yellow; the stamens are about 4mm long and exposed. The flowering period is from April to May, and the fruiting period is from May to July.

Main growth areas: Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan, Guizhou, and Anhui.


5. Other similar species of Epimedium

Icariin plants Epimedium is a perennial herb, with about 40 species in China.

epimedium wushanense plants leaves the source of Icariin

In the Pharmacopoeia, in addition to the previously mentioned four species of Epimedium, there is also Epimedium wushanense separately and other similar species commonly live in various places.

epimedium plants wushanense flower


Best Icariin sources plants

For the epimedium variety, we often hear that its extract content purity is difficult to reach the standard.

Because of the wide variety of epimedium, a large number of scholars have conducted research on it. The results showed that the contents of icariin and total flavonoids in different varieties of epimedium varied greatly. Among them, Both Epimedium brevicornu and Epimedium pubescens have high rates to meet the standard.

As for the harvest period, it needs to be harvested when the stems and leaves are lush, usually in summer. Otherwise, harvesting after the season will easily lead to a lower content of active ingredients.

In addition, due to the instability of icariin, it should be dried in time and properly stored after harvesting. During processing, it is necessary to remove impurities and branches, cut the stems into shreds, and sift out the ash.


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Our KINTAI factory uses two varieties Epimedium brevicornu and Epimedium pubescens as raw materials.

Our high-quality Icariin powder in Epimedium plant source areas mainly comes from Shaanxi, Gansu, and Sichuan.

We strictly follow the GMP quality control standards. Therefore producing high quality and pure icariin extract. So you can always trust us and we supply high-quality Icariin powder with the best service!

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