
Produktnavn: Hydroxytyrosol
Spesifikasjoner: 10% – 30%, 99%
Kilde: Olivenblad
CAS-nr: 10597-60-1
Utseende: White, brown powder, liquid
Testmetode: HPLC
Holdbarhet: 2 år
Sertifiseringer: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Innhold: Naturlig, Ikke tilsetningsstoff, Ikke-GMO, Behandle kun med varme


High Quality Hydroxytyrosol For Sale

High-quality natural olive leaf extract pure Hydroxytyrosol powder for sale, buy bulk Hydroxytyrosol from KINTAI manufacturer, supplier in China certified with ISO cGMP HACCP qualifications.

Our KINTAI is a professional plant extract manufacturer and we strictly follow the GMP standard to ensure the good quality. If you are searching for best source of Hydroxytyrosol, Kontakt oss direkte!


Hydroxytyrosol is a natural polyphenol compound with strong biological activity, such as antioxidant, anti-kreft, anti-thrombotic, lipid-regulating, and anti-atherosclerotic.

Best source of hydroxytyrosol: Our manufacturer use natural olive leaf as raw material to produce the best hydroxytyrosol.

Hydroxytyrosol is exist in the olive fruit, olive branches and olive leaves. Olive leaves have the highest concentration. Additionally, hydroxytyrosol also can be extract from olive oil and wastewater during olive oil processing.

Chemical synthesis can produce hydroxytyrosol, but the olive leaf extract naturally hydroxytyrosol has a higher purity and greater biological activity. That's why our natural Hydroxytyrosol is hot sale in the market.


  1. Antioksidant
  2. Anti-inflammatorisk
  3. Anti-aging
  4. Skin-whitening
  5. Absorbing UV rays
  6. Antibacterial and antiviral
  7. Anti-kreft
  8. Bone health
  9. Cardiovascular health
  10. Improve memory and cognition
  11. Reduce and inhibit the harm of smoking to the human body


  • Medical field: Hydroxytyrosol powder is a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and tumor-fighting properties. It is a pharmaceutical intermediary, can be used in the production and treatment of various drugs and prevents and treats cardiovascular disease, liver disease, cancer, and other diseases. It is used to improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy and promote recovery from late-stage cancer.
  • Food additive: As a natural antibacterial and antioxidant agent, olive leaf extract Hydroxytyrosol is widely used as an additive in food products such as baked goods, meat, edible oils, drinks, and others. It can prevent the oxidative degradation of food and extend its shelf life.
  • Healthcare product: Hydroxytyrosol is added into various health products in order to improve the nutritional value, health functions and food quality. This helps people to maintain their health and avoid diseases.
  • Cosmetic: In cosmetics pure 99% Hydroxytyrosol has a wide range of applications. It is a natural moisturizer and antioxidant that protects the skin against free radical damage. It also delays skin aging and improves skin elasticity. In order to give consumers a better skin care experience, hydroxytyrosol can be found in many cosmetics including eye creams, facial creams and essences.
  • Agriculture: Additionally, Hydroxytyrosol has potential applications in pest control and agriculture. It is a natural antibacterial and antiviral product that can help reduce the use chemical pesticides.
cosmetic grade white Hydroxytyrosol powder with solubility, produsent,leverandør

Cosmetic grade white Hydroxytyrosol powder with its solubility

Olive Leaf Extract 99% Hydroxytyrosol liquid manufacturer,leverandør

cGMP Manufacturer supply 99% Hydroxytyrosol

Property of Hydroxytyrosol

  • Produktnavn: Hydroxytyrosol
  • Kilde: Olivenblad, Olive oil
  • Spesifikasjon: 10%-30%, 99%, andre spesifikasjoner tilgjengelig
  • CAS-nr: 10597-60-1
  • Kjemisk formel: C8H10O3
  • Molekylvekt: 154.163
  • Farge: White, brown powder, liquid
  • Løselighet: Løselig i vann.
  • Lagring: Please seal Hydroxytyrosol extract powder after use, lagre den i en tørr, kjølig sted, unngå lyset.
Chemical formula of natural olive leaf extract hydroxytyrosol powder cas 10597-60-1


Assay of Hydroxytyrosol20%HPLC
Fysiske og kjemiske egenskaper
UtseendeBrunt pulverVisuell
Partikkelstørrelse≥99 % gjennom 80 meshCh.P.C. Regel 47
Aske≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule2302
Tap ved tørking≤5,0 %Ch.P.C.Rule52
Heavy Metals of Hydroxytyrosol powder≤10,0 ppmAtomabsorpsjon
Kadmium(Cd)≤0,5 ppmAtomabsorpsjon
Merkur(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAtomabsorpsjon
Arsenikk(Som)≤1,0 ppmAtomabsorpsjon
Bly(Pb)≤0,5 ppmAtomabsorpsjon
Resterende løsemidler
– Etanol≤1000 PPMGasskromatografi
Mikrobiologisk kvalitet (Totalt levedyktig aerobtall) of Hydroxytyrosol extract powder
Totalt antall tallerkener,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gCh.P.C. Regel 80
Mugg og gjær teller,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gCh.P.C. Regel 80
E. coliFraværendeCh.P.C. Regel 80
SalmonellaFraværendeCh.P.C. Regel 80
Staphylococcus aureusFraværendeCh.P.C. Regel 80
*Lagringstilstand: Store Hydroxytyrosol bulk powder in a tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Hold alltid fra sterkt direkte lys.
*KINTAI lover alle produkter: Ikke-bestrålt / Ikke-ETO/Behandle kun med varme / Ikke-GMO

Relative Product


Produktnavn: Oleuropein
Spesifikasjoner: 40%, 70%
Kilde: Olivenblad
CAS-nr: 32619-42-4
Utseende: Brunt til gulgrønt pulver
Testmetode: HPLC
Holdbarhet: 2 år
Sertifiseringer: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, KOSHER, HALAL
Innhold: Naturlig, Ikke tilsetningsstoff, Ikke-GMO, Behandle kun med varme

Frakt & Emballasje
  • Emballasje: Inne i pose for matkvalitet, ytre aluminiumsfoliepose.
    25kg bruk tolags plastbeholder/fibertrommel.
    Eller ditt valg.
  • OEM-tjeneste tilgjengelig: Tilpasset spakking tilgjengelig, klikk her for å vite mer.
  • American Warehouse: KINTAI satt over 100 naturlige planteekstraktingredienser i vårt amerikanske lager for rask levering.
  • Betaling: Vi aksepterer betaling med T/T, L/C, Paypal, og Wester Union.

Ta kontakt med oss ​​og vi vil veilede deg med en enkel og profesjonell måte for din bestilling.

Om oss
ISO GMP HACCP-sertifisert fabrikk



ISO GMP-sertifikat
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Hva er MOQ?

Vår MOQ er fleksibel fra 0,1 kg til 1 kg, vennligst kontakt oss for detaljer.

Hva er prisene dine?

Våre priser er avhengig av tilbud og markedsfaktorer, vi sender deg en oppdatert prisliste etter å ha kontaktet oss for mer informasjon.

What's your lead time?

De fleste produktene vi har på lager kan leveres innen 3 virkedager, tilpassede produkter trenger ytterligere bekreftelse.

Hva er betalingsbetingelsene dine?

Vi aksepterer betaling med T/T, L/C, Paypal, Wester Union:
Ta kontakt med oss ​​og vi vil veilede deg med en enkel og profesjonell måte for din bestilling.

Kan jeg få gratis prøve for test?

Ja, gratis prøve tilgjengelig.

Hvordan garantere at produktet er kvalifisert?

Vår GMP-fabrikk har komplett kvalitetskontrollsystem med 100,000 nivå ren produksjon verksted, og hver batch må være 100% vedtatt av QC.

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