Extrato de casca de bétula 98% corrija isso, ácido betulínico

Nome do Produto: Betulina, Ácido betulínico
Especificações: 98%, outras especificações disponíveis
Fonte: Casca de bétula branca
Nº CAS: 473-98-3, 472-15-1
Aparência: pó branco
Método de teste: HPLC
Validade: 2 Anos
Certificados: BPF, ISO 9001, ISO22000, APPCC, KOSHER, Halal
Contente: Natural, Não aditivo, Não OGM, Tratar apenas por calor


Birch bark extract Betulin and Betulinic acid

Best price natural birch bark extract betulin and betulinic acid powder supply from KINTAI - A herbal extract factory cGMP ISO HACCP qualifications in China.

KINTAI factory supply bulk birch bark extract powder, com alta pureza para 98% Betulin/Betulinic acid test by HPLC. We also offer free sample, fast delivery, and other customized services, hope we can provide you with valuable products and services.

Our manufacturer strictly follows the GMP standard to ensure the best quality, e nosso 98% corrija isso, 98% betulinic acid is hot selling in more than 10+ países.

If you want to buy high-quality betulin or betulinic acid at the best factory wholesale price please contact us directly.

dried birch bark chinese tradition medical

Raw material dried birch bark

our kintai factory is approve by cGMP for birch bark extract betulin betulinic acid product manufacturer

cGMP approved manufacturer birch bark extract

Product Description

Extrato de casca de bétula

Betulin and betulinic acid are the main active ingredients in the birch bark extract powder. Our high purity of 98% extraction powder is hot selling in the medical, cosmético, and healthcare industries.

Betulin and Betulinic acid exists:

Natural plants such as birch bark, jujube seeds, asparagus, pomegranate bark and leaves, basil, etc.. Among them, the content is highest in birch bark.

Functions and Application:

  • Betulina, with its antiviral, anti-cancer, anti-tumor, anti-HIV, anti-inflamatório, lipid-lowering, proteção do fígado, neuron protection, treatment of insomnia and depression functions, have large applications in pharm medical area. In cosmetic, people use it for its anti-wrinkle, anti-aging, inhibit melanin formation, anti-oxidation, hair care functions. It is also used in the food industry as a natural anti-oxidation.
  • Ácido betulínico, has many health benefits as a pharm ingredient. like anti-tumor, anti-inflamatório, antibacteriano, antiviral, lipid-lowering, anti-diabetes, anti-oxidation, and anti-anxiety effects. It also works as a cosmetic raw material for skin benefits function.

Source birch plant

White birch is a deciduous tree of the genus Betula in the family Betulaceae.

Aparência: The birch tree can grow up to 27 meters tall. The medical part of betulin and betulinic acid source is its bark and branches. Its bark is grayish white, the branches are dark gray or dark brown, and hairless. The leaves are triangular-ovate, triangular-rhombus, triangular. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from August to September in China.

Distribution area: White birch is native to northern China. In addition to China, it also grows in Siberia, Rússia, eastern Mongolia, northern Korea, and Japan.

Medicinal value: Birch can be used for medicinal purposes. According to Chinese medicine books, birch bark has the effects of clearing away heat and dampness, removing phlegm and relieving cough, detoxifying and reducing swelling. In ancient China, doctors often use birch bark to treat tonsillitis, bronchitis, enteritis, dysentery, cough, asthma, and lung diseases.

Also, with the advantage of factory direct best price, our pure 98% birch bark extract betulin and betulinic acid powder are hot sale in many countries as pharm active ingredients.

yellow leaves white birch tree in autumn

Property of Betulin

  • Nome do Produto: Betulin powder
  • Especificação: 98%
  • Extract Source: Betula alba L.
  • Nº CAS: 473-98-3
  • Fórmula química: C30H50O2
  • Peso molecular:442.717
  • Cor: pó branco
  • Solubilidade: Solúvel em etanol.
  • Armazenar: Please seal Betulin powder after use, guarde-o em local seco, lugar legal, evite a luz.
formula structure of birch bark extract Betulin powder 473-98-3

Property of Betulinic acid

  • Nome do Produto: Betulinic acid powder
  • Especificação: 98%
  • Extract Source: Betula alba L.
  • Nº CAS: 472-15-1
  • Fórmula química: C30H48O3
  • Peso molecular: 456.70
  • Cor: pó branco
  • Solubilidade: Slight soluble in ethanol.
  • Armazenar: Please seal Betulinic acid powder after use, guarde-o em local seco, lugar legal, evite a luz.
formula structure of birch bark extract Betulinic acid powder 472-15-1

Specification of Betulin

Nome do ProdutoFonteNº CAS
Betulin powderbark of birch 473-98-3
Itens de análiseEspecificaçãoMétodo de teste
Assay of Betulin98%HPLC
Propriedades físicas e químicas
Aparênciapó brancoVisual
Tamanho da partícula≥99% até 80 malhaCh.P.C.Rule47
Perda ao secar≤5,0%Ch.P.C.Rule52
Heavy Metals of Betulin powder≤10,0 ppmAbsorção Atômica
Cádmio(Cd)≤0,5 ppmAbsorção Atômica
Mercúrio(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAbsorção Atômica
Arsênico(Como)≤1,0 ppmAbsorção Atômica
Liderar(Pb)≤0,5 ppmAbsorção Atômica
Solventes residuais
– Etanol≤1000 PPMCromatografia em fase gasosa
Qualidade Microbiológica (Contagem aeróbica total viável) of birch bark extract betulin powder
Contagem total de placas,UFC/g≤1000 UFC/gCh.P.C.Rule80
Contagem de mofo e fermento,UFC/g≤ 100 UFC/gCh.P.C.Rule80
E. coliAusenteCh.P.C.Rule80
Staphylococcus aureusAusenteCh.P.C.Rule80
*Condição de armazenamento: Store in a tightly closed plastic bag and keep in a cool dry place. Mantenha sempre longe da luz forte e direta.
*KINTAI promete todos os produtos: Não irradiado / Não-ETO/tratamento apenas por calor / Não OGM

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  • Embalagem: Dentro do saco de qualidade alimentar, saco externo de papel alumínio.
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  • Serviço OEM disponível: P personalizadoconfirmação disponível, Clique aqui para saber mais.
  • Armazém Americano: KINTAI colocado 100 ingredientes naturais de extrato de planta em nosso armazém nos EUA para entrega rápida.
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Certificado ISO GMP
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