Caffeic Acid

Numele produsului: Caffeic Acid
Specificații: 99%
Sursă: Coffee bean
CAS Nr: 331-39-5
Aspect: Pulbere galbenă
Metoda de testare: HPLC
Perioada de valabilitate: 2 ani
Certe: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, HACCP, CUŞER, HALAL
Conţinut: Natural, Non-aditiv, Non-OMG, Tratați numai prin căldură


Caffeic Acid Manufacturers and Suppliers

China Manufacturers Suppliers supply high-quality 99% Caffeic Acid bulk powder for sale.

As a leader herbal extract factory certified with cGMP ISO HACCP qualifications, we strictly follow the cGMP standard to ensure good quality. If you are looking for pure Caffeic Acid powder, va rugam sa ne contactati direct!

Caffeic Acid Powder

Caffeic acid is an organic acid. Naturally caffeic acid extract powder is in yellow. It exists in a variety of plants, and common raw materials include coffee beans, tea leaves, si legume. It has a variety of biological activities that benefit for cosmetics and pharmaceuticals industries.

Benefits of Caffeic Acid

Antibacterial and antiviral

Caffeic acid has a wide range of antibacterial and antiviral activities. It is against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and exerts an antibacterial effect by interfering with the bacterial protein synthesis process.

Anti-snake venom

Caffeic acid can inhibit snake venom phosphodiesterase, and as an anti-snake venom agent to counteract the effects of neurotoxins.


The natural plant extract caffeic acid can inhibit the production of various inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-6, thereby playing an anti-inflammatory benefits. It has a relieving effect on local or systemic inflammatory reactions caused by various reasons, and can be used to reduce symptoms such as fever, redness and swelling.

Antioxidant and anti-aging

Caffeic acid is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from free radical damage. Its free radical scavenging ability is 1.8 times, 13.8 times, and 24.5 times that of chlorogenic acid, p-coumaric acid, and m-coumaric acid, respectively. It can effectively inhibits lipid peroxidation. Effectively removes superoxide anion free radicals and hydroxyl free radicals, and has good reducing power to chelate ferrous ions.


It has the function of preventing ultraviolet rays, which benefits for skin from the sun, so can be added to many sunscreen products.


It has the effect of increasing white blood cells and platelets and improving coagulation factors. They are suitable for hemostasis, as well as hemostasis of hemorrhagic diseases. They are also used for leukopenia and thrombocytopenia caused by various reasons.

Promote digestion

This kind powder contain a large amount of caffeine, tea polyphenols and other ingredients, which can promote gastrointestinal motility, help digestion and absorption of food, and improve discomfort symptoms caused by indigestion, such as abdominal distension, constipation, etc.

Promote blood circulation

Caffeic acid contains a large amount of flavonoids, alkaloids and other ingredients, which can dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and to a certain extent, can also benefit for improving circulation.

Pain relief

The alkaloids in caffeic acid can inhibit the activity of the central nervous system, thereby achieving the effect of analgesia, and to a certain extent, can also relieve discomfort such as migraine and tension headaches.

Promote wound healing

The caffeic acid ingredient can enhance the phagocytic ability of macrophages, accelerate the removal of necrotic tissue and the formation of new granulation tissue, and promote collagen fiber synthesis, which is beneficial to wound healing. It has a certain effect on promoting healing of superficial wounds, ulcers, etc. The medication time can be extended according to the condition.

vrac 99% Caffeic Acid powder with COA file
Caffeic Acid can prevent ultraviolet rays, Protect skin from the Sun


  • Numele produsului: Caffeic Acid
  • Sursă: Coffee bean
  • Caietul de sarcini: 99%
  • Culoare: Pulbere galbenă
  • CAS Nr: 331-39-5
  • Formula chimică: C9H8O4
  • Greutate moleculară: 180.157
  • Solubilitate: It can be soluble in ethanol, water.
  • Depozitare: Please seal it after use. Store it in a dry, loc răcoros, și evitați lumina.
chemical formula of Caffeic Acid 331-39-5

Caietul de sarcini

Nume produsSursăCAS Nr
Caffeic AcidCoffee bean331-39-5
Elemente de analizăCaietul de sarciniMetoda de testare
Proprietăți fizice și chimice
AspectPulbere galbenăVizual
Dimensiunea particulelor≥99% Prin 80 plasăRegula Ch.P.C.47
Frasin≤5,0%Regula Ch.P.C.2302
Pierdere la uscare≤5,0%Regula Ch.P.C.52
Heavy Metals≤10,0 ppmAbsorbția atomică
Cadmiu(CD)≤0,5 ppmAbsorbția atomică
Mercur(Hg)≤0,1 ppmAbsorbția atomică
Arsenic(Ca)≤1,0 ppmAbsorbția atomică
Duce(Pb)≤0,5 ppmAbsorbția atomică
Solvenți reziduali
– Etanol≤1000 PPMCromatografia gazoasă
Calitatea microbiologică (Număr total de aerobic viabil)
Număr total de plăci,cfu/g≤1000 CFU/gRegula Ch.P.C.80
Număr mucegai și drojdie,cfu/g≤ 100 CFU/gRegula Ch.P.C.80
E. coliAbsentRegula Ch.P.C.80
SalmonellaAbsentRegula Ch.P.C.80
Staphylococcus aureusAbsentRegula Ch.P.C.80
*Starea de depozitare: Store it in a tightly closed plastic bag and keep it in a cool dry place. Keep away from strong direct light.
*KINTAI promite toate produsele: Neiradiat / Non-ETO/ Tratare numai prin căldură / Non-OMG
Transport & Ambalare
  • Ambalare: În interiorul pungii alimentare, sac exterior din folie de aluminiu.
    25kg utilizați recipient din plastic cu două straturi/tambur din fibre.
    Sau alegerea ta.
  • Serviciu OEM disponibil: Personalizat pambalaj disponibil, click aici pentru a afla mai multe.
  • Depozitul american: KINTAI pus peste 100 Ingrediente cu extract de plante naturale în depozitul nostru din SUA pentru livrare rapidă.
  • Plată: Acceptăm plata prin T/T, L/C, Paypal, și Wester Union.

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Despre noi
Fabrică certificată ISO GMP HACCP



Certificat ISO GMP
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MOQ-ul nostru este flexibil de la 0,1 kg la 1 kg, va rugam sa ne contactati pentru detalii.

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Prețurile noastre depind de ofertă și de factorii pieței, vă vom trimite o listă de prețuri actualizată după ce ne contactați pentru mai multe informații.

What's your lead time?

Majoritatea produselor pe care le avem în stoc pot fi livrate în termen 3 zile lucrătoare, produsele personalizate necesită confirmare suplimentară.

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Pot obține o probă gratuită pentru testare?

Da, probă gratuită disponibilă.

Cum să garantezi că produsul este calificat?

Fabrica noastră GMP are un sistem complet de control al calității cu 100,000 atelier de producție curată la nivel, și fiecare lot trebuie să fie 100% trecut de QC.

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