
Польза для здоровья берберина гидрохлорида

Китайская медицина Coptis Chinensis экстракт берберина гидрохлорид

Берберина гидрохлорид, сильное соединение существует в растениях, привлек огромное внимание к благополучию и здоровью на местном уровне. Порошок экстракта берберина, порошок берберина гидрохлорида, and berberine hydrochloride powder are all forms of this potent substance, which hot sale in the market. Let’s investigate this remarkable natural compound’s fascinating world and the health benefits of Berberine hydrochloride.

Китайская медицина Coptis Chinensis экстракт берберина гидрохлорид

Understanding Berberine Hydrochloride

The Origin of Berberine

Berberine is an alkaloid exist in several plants, including the Indian barberry Berberis aristata, the goldthread Coptis chinensis, and the goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis. These plants have a wide application for centuries in traditional medicine, particularly in Ayurvedic and Chinese practices. Berberine HCl, the hydrochloride form, is a salt that improves the compound’s stability and bioavailability.

Chemical Properties of Berberine Hydrochloride

Berberine hydrochloride powder is a yellow, crystalline substance with a bitter taste. Its molecular formula is C20H18NO4Cl, and it has a molecular weight of 371.81 g/mol. This compound is soluble in water and ethanol, making it suitable for various applications in supplementation and pharmaceutical formulations.

Биодоступность и абсорбция

When consumed, berberine hydrochloride powder is absorbed through the intestinal wall and enters the bloodstream. Однако, its bioavailability is relatively low due to poor intestinal absorption and extensive metabolism in the liver. To enhance its effectiveness, researchers are exploring novel delivery methods and formulations to improve its absorption and bioavailability.

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Our kintai manufacturer supply the high quality 97% 98% Berberine hydrochloride extract powder. Предлагаем образец на пробу, добро пожаловать, нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать больше!

Польза для здоровья берберина гидрохлорида

Регулирование уровня сахара в крови

One of the most well-studied benefits of berberine HCl powder is its ability to help regulate blood sugar levels. Research suggests that berberine may enhance insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake by cells, potentially making it beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes. Some studies have even shown that berberine’s efficacy in lowering blood glucose levels is comparable to that of metformin, a common diabetes medication.

Поддержка сердечно-сосудистого здоровья

Порошок экстракта берберина may offer significant benefits for cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that it can help lower total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (часто называют “плохой” холестерин), and triglyceride levels while increasing HDL cholesterol (known asgood” холестерин). These effects may contribute to a reduced risk of heart disease and improved overall cardiovascular function.

Weight Management

Emerging research suggests that berberine hydrochloride may play a role in weight management. Some studies have found that berberine can help reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI) in obesity individuals. It may achieve this by modulating fat cell function, enhancing fat burning, and regulating hormones involved in metabolism and appetite control.

Weight Management, health benefits of Berberine Hydrochloride

Potential Mechanisms of Action

AMPK Activation

Berberine activates an enzyme known as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) as one of its primary mechanisms of action. AMPK is frequently alluded to as ametabolic expert switchsince it assumes a pivotal part in controlling cell energy homeostasis. By enacting AMPK, berberine may assist with further developing insulin awareness, upgrade glucose take-up by cells, and advance fat oxidation.

Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Properties

Порошок берберина HCl is an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. These effects may reduce chronic inflammation, which is linked to a variety of health issues, and protect cells from oxidative stress. By fighting oxidative harm and aggravation, berberine may add to worked on generally wellbeing and possibly diminish the gamble of persistent infections.

Gut Microbiome Modulation

Порошок берберина гидрохлорида may also affect health by altering the gut microbiome, согласно недавним исследованиям. The compound seems to have prebiotic-like impacts, advancing the development of gainful microbes while hindering unsafe ones. This balance of stomach vegetation might add to worked on metabolic wellbeing, improved invulnerable capability, and better by and large prosperity.

intestinal disease

Safety and Considerations

Dosage Recommendations

While berberine separate powder has shown promising medical advantages, it’s essential to utilize it dependably and under appropriate direction. The best dosage can vary based on the individual and the particular health issue being addressed. For the most part, dosages going from 900 к 1500 mg each day, isolated into a few portions, have been utilized in clinical examinations. Однако, before beginning any new supplement regimen, it is essential to consult a medical professional.

Potential Side Effects

Berberine hydrochloride is by and large very much endured, however a few people might encounter gentle incidental effects. These may include diarrhea, constipation, or discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. Taking berberine with feasts might assist with moderating these impacts. Berberine may interact with some medications, especially those metabolized by the liver, so it’s important to talk to your doctor about any potential interactions.

Quality and Purity Considerations

It is essential to select high-quality berberine hydrochloride powder from reputable sources when considering berberine supplementation. Search for items that host gone through third-get-together testing for immaculateness and intensity. Guarantee that the maker follows Great Assembling Practices (GMP) and gives clear data about the source and extraction strategies for their berberine.


In summary, порошок берберина гидрохлорида has a broad range of possible health benefits, including support for the cardiovascular system, blood sugar regulation, weight management, and more. We might find other benefits that this amazing substance can provide to human health and wellbeing as study progresses. To guarantee safe and efficient use, berberine supplementation must be taken thoughtfully and under the supervision of a professional.

Если вы хотите получить дополнительную информацию об этом продукте, вы можете связаться с нами по адресу: health@kintaibio.com.


  1. Чжан, Ю., и др.. (2019). “Берберин: A potential multipotent natural product to combat Alzheimer’s disease.” Молекулы, 24(5), 886.
  2. Cicero, А. Ф., & Baggioni, А. (2016). “Berberine and its role in chronic disease.Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 928, 27-45.
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  6. Pang, Б., и др.. (2015). “Application of berberine on treating type 2 diabetes mellitus.International Journal of Endocrinology, 2015, 905749.