
Наименование товара: бета-экдистерон
Источник: Растение Cyanotis Vaga/Cyanotis Arachnoidea
Технические характеристики: 50%, 90%, 95%, 98%
Появление: Порошок от белого до желто-коричневого цвета
Номер КАС: 5289-74-7
Метод испытания: УФ, ВЭЖХ
Срок годности: 2 Годы
Сертификаты: GMP, ИСО9001, ИСО22000, ХАССП, КОШЕРНЫЙ, ХАЛЯЛ
Содержание: Естественный, Неаддитивный, Без ГМО, Обрабатывать только теплом


High Quality Cyanotis Arachnoidea Extract Powder Beta Ecdysterone

Cyanotis arachnoidea plant extract бета-экдистерон powder from KINTAI supplier - A leader herbal extract manufacturer in China and certified ISO GMP HACCP qualifications.

KINTAI provides high-quality Ecdysterone powder with the pure specification from 50% к 98%, and other customized specs available.

Мы также предоставляем комплексное обслуживание OEM, such as capsules, таблетки, customized packages, and private labels, добро пожаловать, свяжитесь с нами для получения дополнительной информации!

белый 98% beta ecdysterone powder from KINTAI supplier
Cyanotis Arachnoidea herb flower, raw material of beta ecdysterone extract

What is beta ecdysterone?

beta Ecdysone(β-Ecdysterone ) is an active substance extracted from the plant Cyanotis Arachnoidea root. According to different purity, the extract powder has white, off-white, светло-желтый, or light brown color. Ecdysterone is a natural plant steroid compound with a chemical structure similar to testosterone (a major male hormone).

Plant Source Cyanotis Arachnoidea

The Cyanotis arachnoidea plant (Cyanotis Vaga) belongs to the Commelina family. It is named "Pearl dew grass" in China because the whole plant is covered with soft hairs and the leaves flash like pearls when exposed to dew.

  • Появление: Its roots are fibrous, and the main stem is short. The petals are in blue-purple, blue, or white color, also the seeds are gray-brown. The flowering period is from June to September in China, and the fruiting period is from October.
  • Distribution: Cyanotis Vaga plant mainly grows in subtropical places such as Fujian, Цзянси, Гуандун, Гуанси, Hainan, Гуйчжоу, Юньнань, Hong Kong, and other places in China.
  • Приложение: The roots of the pearl dew plant are used in Chinese medicine with a slightly bitter taste. It has the effects of relieving pain, detoxifying meanwhile reducing swelling. People use it to treat rheumatism, waist and leg pain, numbness of limbs, edema, экзема, and other symptoms. From its roots, we also extract the active ingredient ecdysone powder.

Property of Ecdysterone

Наименование товара: Бета-экдистерон

Другое английское имя:

β-ecdysterone, β-экдизон, Beta Ecdysone, Ecdysone, Экдистерон,

Hydroxyecdysone, 20-Hydroxyecdysone

Извлечь исходный код: Cyanotis Arachnoidea plant, Cyanotis Vaga plant

Номер КАС: 5289-74-7

ЭИНЭКС: 811-097-1

Химическая формула: C27H44O7

Молекулярная масса: 480.64

Цвет: Порошок от белого до желто-коричневого цвета

Растворимость: Растворим в этаноле, slightly soluble in hot water, ацетат этила, and chloroform.

Хранилище: Store Ecdysterone powder in a dry, классное место, избегать света.

Production Method: The preparation methods of ecdysterone include natural extraction and chemical synthesis. Our KINTAI supplier uses natural extraction from the plant Cyanotis Arachnoidea to ensure high quality.

formula structure of beta ecdysterone cas 5289-74-7

Specification of Cyanotis Arachnoidea Extract Ecdysterone

наименование товараИсточникНомер КАС
Бета-экдистерон Cyanotis Arachnoidea 5289-74-7
Элементы анализаСпецификацияМетод испытания
Assay of β-ecdysterone98%ВЭЖХ
Физические и химические свойства
Появлениебелый порошокВизуальный
Размер частицы≥99% насквозь 80 сеткаЧ.П.Ц.Правило47
Убыток от высыхания≤5,0%Ч.П.С.Правило52
Heavy Metals of beta Ecdysterone≤10,0 частей на миллионАтомная абсорбция
Кадмий(CD)≤1,0 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Меркурий(ртуть)≤0,1 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Мышьяк(Как)≤1,0 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Вести(Pb)≤2,0 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Остаточные растворители
– Спирт этиловый≤1000 частей на миллионГазовая хроматография
Микробиологическое качество (Общее количество жизнеспособных аэробов) of beta Ecdysterone powder
Общее количество тарелок,КОЕ/г≤1000 КОЕ/гЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
Количество плесени и дрожжей,КОЕ/г≤ 100 КОЕ/гЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
Э. палочкаОтрицательныйЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
Золотистый стафилококкОтрицательныйЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
*Условия хранения: Хранить в плотно закрытом полиэтиленовом пакете и хранить в сухом прохладном месте.. Всегда храните от сильного прямого света.
*KINTAI обещает все продукты: Необлученный / Без ETO/обработка только теплом / Без ГМО

Функция и применение

Ecdysterone extract from Cyanotis Vaga plant can promote cell growth, stimulate cell division, and produce new skin, therefore causing insect shelling.

In the human health field, Beta-ecdysterone (ecdysone) stimulates collagen synthesis. It removes cholesterol from the body, lowers blood lipids, and inhibits the rise of blood sugar. Has physiological activities such as anti-arrhythmia and anti-fatigue. It is also a natural anti-cancer ingredient.

Ecdysterone has wide applications in health care, косметика, animal feeding, and pharmaceutical industries, now let's take a look at the details.

1. Medical Industry

  • Promote cell growth: Ecdysone can promote cell division and growth. It does great help for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, such as cancer, wound healing, и т. д..
  • Stimulates dermal cell division: Ecdysone can stimulate dermal cell division, both promoting skin regeneration and repair, meanwhile it can promote collagen synthesis. This plays an important role in treating skin diseases and skin health benefits.
  • Противовоспалительное средство: Cyanotis Vaga plant extract Ecdysterone has anti-inflammatory effects, which can reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms such as pain and swelling. Поэтому, the market uses it to treat inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gout.
  • Противораковый: Ecdysone also has anti-cancer effects and can inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells, thus participating in the prevention and treatment of cancer medicine.

2. Дополнение к здравоохранению

Cyanotis Arachnoidea plant extract Ecdysterone is an ingredient in sports supplements, it is not only beneficial to health but also safe. It can increase the ability of amino acids to assemble into protein chains, therefore stimulating protein synthesis, and increasing muscle mass while reducing body fat. Тем временем, it can increase both stamina and energy.

Research shows that ecdysterone, as a raw material for sports health products, has no side effects, does not interact with hormones, and has extremely low toxicity. Кроме того, there have been no reports of any effects of natural extract ecdysterone on mammalian hormonal systems in endocrine testing.


3. Animals Breeding

  • Silkworm breeding: Add Cyanotis Arachnoidea extract beta Ecdysterone can enlarge the age of silking amount, regulate the growth and development of silkworms, and further promote silk cocooning.
  • Shrimps And Crabs: Ecdysone is a necessary substance for the growth, development, and molting of aquatic crustacean shrimps and crabs. It is the main raw material of "molting off substance", which allows them to molt faster, shorten the molting time, and improve the success rate of molting. After adding beta Ecdysterone powder, shrimps and crabs can shell smoothly, effectively avoid killing each other, and significantly improve the breeding survival rate and commercial quality.
  • Accelerate the growth and development of animals.
  • Improve the immunity of animals, enhance disease resistance, и снизить риск заболеваний.
  • Promote the digestion and absorption of feed, and improve feed utilization, therefore reducing breeding costs.
beta Ecdysterone can promote silk cocooning of Silkworm

4. Cosmetic Industry

Ecdysterone extract from the plant Cyanotis Arachnoidea can enhance cell metabolism, exfoliate, remove spots, and whiten skin. It has a good repair effect on facial chloasma, acquired dark spots, freckles, melanin, и т. д.. It also has a significant effect on treating acne. Its ability to promote collagen synthesis is much higher than any product currently on the market, so have wide application in the cosmetic area.

In cosmetics, processed high-purity ecdysterone extract, такой как 98%, is in white powder form. Due to its natural and low impurities, it has no allergic reaction to the skin, has strong permeability, and can be quickly absorbed by the skin in liquid condition.

Relative Blog Of Beta Ecdysterone

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