Smoke tree/Cotinus/Coggygria extract 50% 85% 98% Фисетин

Наименование товара: Фисетин порошок
Источник: Дымчатое дерево/котинус/растение коггигрия
Технические характеристики: 50%, 85%, 98% Фисетин
Появление: Желтый порошок
Номер КАС: 528-48-3
Метод испытания: ВЭЖХ
Срок годности: 2 Годы
Сертификаты: GMP, ИСО9001, ИСО22000, ХАССП, КОШЕРНЫЙ, ХАЛЯЛ
Содержание: Естественный, Неаддитивный, Без ГМО, Обрабатывать только теплом


High Quality Smoke Tree Extract Fisetin Powder

Smoke tree extract powder Fisetin manufacturer KINTAI - A leader herbal extract supplier in China and certified ISO GMP HACCP qualifications.

KINTAI factory provides high-quality Fisetin powder with best purity test by HPLC.

Our factory have bulk 50%, 98% Fisetin powder in stock for fast delivery, and welcome any spec customization.

We also provide OEM service like private labels, packages. Welcome contact us for further cooperation!

fisetin bulk powder
Дымовое дерево, raw material of fisetin

What is Fisetin?

Fisetin is a natural flavonoid compound from the Smoke Tree(Cotinus/Coggygria plant). We also can find Fisetin in vegetables and fruits, such as strawberries, яблоки, onions, and cucumbers.

It has a wide range of pharmacological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, антиоксидант, противораковый, anti-thrombosis, neuroprotection, memory improvement, treatment of diabetic kidney damage, и т. д..

В последние годы, studies have found that fisetin has anti-tumor effects. It can inhibit tumor cell proliferation and induce tumor cell apoptosis, which makes it popular in the pharmaceutical intermediates market.

Property of Fisetin

Наименование товара: Фисетин порошок

Извлечь исходный код: Дымчатое дерево/котинус/растение коггигрия

Номер КАС: 528-48-3

Химическая формула: C15H10O6

Молекулярная масса: 286.236

Цвет: Желтый порошок

Растворимость: Растворим в этаноле, acetone and acetic acid. Almost insoluble in water, ether.

Хранилище: Store Fisetin powder in a dry, классное место, избегать света.

formula structure of Fisetin powder

Specification of Fisetin powder

наименование товараИсточникНомер КАС
Фисетин порошокSmoke Tree/Cotinus/Coggygria528-48-3
Элементы анализаСпецификацияМетод испытания
Assay of Fisetin98%ВЭЖХ
Физические и химические свойства
ПоявлениеЖелтый порошокВизуальный
Размер частицы≥99% насквозь 80 сеткаЧ.П.Ц.Правило47
Убыток от высыхания≤5,0%Ч.П.С.Правило52
Heavy Metals of Fisetin ≤10,0 частей на миллионАтомная абсорбция
Кадмий(CD)≤1,0 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Меркурий(ртуть)≤0,1 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Мышьяк(Как)≤1,0 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Вести(Pb)≤2,0 ppmАтомная абсорбция
Остаточные растворители
– Спирт этиловый≤1000 частей на миллионГазовая хроматография
Микробиологическое качество (Общее количество жизнеспособных аэробов) of Fisetin powder
Общее количество тарелок,КОЕ/г≤1000 КОЕ/гЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
Количество плесени и дрожжей,КОЕ/г≤ 100 КОЕ/гЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
Э. палочкаОтрицательныйЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
Золотистый стафилококкОтрицательныйЧ.П.Ц.Правило80
*Условия хранения: Хранить в плотно закрытом полиэтиленовом пакете и хранить в сухом прохладном месте.. Всегда храните от сильного прямого света.
*KINTAI обещает все продукты: Необлученный / Без ETO/обработка только теплом / Без ГМО

Функция и применение

Smoke tree extract Fisetin powder is a natural product that has various pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and cardiovascular effects.

Fisetin powder from our factory is mainly used as a medical raw material in the field of disease treatment, or add to healthcare supplements by its anti-oxidation and neuroprotective function.

Main Function of Fisetin powder

1. Anti-oxidation

Fisetin is a natural antioxidant that cleans free radicals in the body, therefore reducing oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress is an important reason for the occurrence and development of many diseases, например, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, диабет, рак, и т. д..

Studies have found that fisetin can reduce peroxidized lipid levels in blood and increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), и т. д.. Кроме того, fisetin powder can inhibit the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.

2. Противовоспалительное средство

Fisetin has good anti-inflammatory effects and can inhibit inflammatory reactions and the release of inflammatory mediators.

Fisetin powder can inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), и т. д.. Кроме того, fisetin can also inhibit the activation of nuclear transcription factor-κB (NF-κB), тем самым уменьшая воспалительную реакцию.

3. Противораковый

Natural smoke tree extract fisetin has an inhibitory effect on a variety of tumor cells. It can inhibit the growth and spread of tumor cells, prevent the proliferation of breast cancer, cervical cancer, blood cancer, and other cancer cells, finally promote apoptosis.

Кроме того, fisetin can also enhance the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, so it is an anti-cancer agent with development potential.

Fisetin has the characteristics of wide distribution of extraction sources, low toxicity, low side effects, and multiple active pathways. It is believed that with continuous research, it can be more effectively used in clinical applications and serve human health better.

Neuroprotective function of fisetin

4. Cardiovascular protection

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading reasons of death worldwide. Fisetin has cardiovascular protective effects and can reduce the risk of occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have found that fisetin can reduce plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels and improve dyslipidemia. Кроме того, fisetin can inhibit platelet aggregation and reduce the risk of thrombosis. В то же время, fisetin can also dilate coronary arteries and increase myocardial blood flow, thereby improving myocardial ischemia.

5. нейропротекторный

Firstly, fisetin has neuroprotective effects by inhibiting oxidative stress, воспалительная реакция, mitochondrial dysfunction and other pathways. Кроме того, fisetin powder can also promote the regeneration and repair of nerve cells and improve nerve function.

Во-вторых, natural fisetin extract powder from our factory can improve brain health, cognition, and memory function. Fisetin stimulates and helps brain circuits and brain signaling pathways related to memory function. It also helps brain cell growth and protects brain cells from oxidative damage.

Cardiovascular protection

More Information About Fisetin Powder

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