
Назва товару: Порошок таксіфоліну/дигідрокверцетину
Джерело: Рослина дугласової ялиці/модрини
Технічні характеристики: 95%,98% Таксіфолін
Номер CAS: 480-18-2
Зовнішній вигляд: Порошок від білого до світло-жовтого кольору
Метод випробування: ВЕРХ
Термін зберігання: 2 років
Сертифікати: GMP, ISO9001, ISO22000, НАССР, КОШЕРНИЙ, ХАЛЯЛЬ
Зміст: Природні, Бездобавковий, Без ГМО, Обробляти лише теплом


High Quality Taxifolin/Dihydroquercetin Powder

Таксіфолін(Дигідрокверцетин) порошок manufacturer KINTAI - A leader herbal extract factory in China with cGMP ISO HACCP qualifications.

KINTAI factory supply the best Larch extract Taxifolin powder with high purity 95%, 98% DHQ Dihydroquercetin test by HPLC.

Free sample, fast delivery, high quality, best price, OEM service available, welcome contact us for further cooperation!

Таксіфолін 95% 98% white powder from KINTAI manufacturer factory supplier, free sample
Екстракт модрини 95% 98% Taxifolin powder dhq Dihydroquercetin, test by HPLC

Description of larch extract Taxifol

Таксіфолін(DHQ Dihydroquercetin) is a dihydroflavonol compound that belongs to the vitamin P family. DHQ Dihydroquercetin usually exists in Siberian larch, Douglas fir, yew, тощо. It also exists in fruits such as grapes, oranges, and cherries, but the content is low.

  • Taxifolin powder development

в 2017, Taxifolin powder was approved by the EU to be put on the EU market as a food ingredient. In the United States and Russia, Taxifolin was initially listed as a pharmaceutical raw material and later expanded to the food field. Nowadays most countries use dihydroquercetin as a raw material. Such as Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Canada. They apply it in health foods, косметичні засоби, pharmaceutical, industry, agriculture, та інші поля.

  • Precious larch extract Taxifolin

As a scarce resource in the world, Taxifolin DHQ powder is an extremely precious pharmaceutical and functional food ingredient. It is also a "luxury product" that is the most precious and powerful "universal antioxidant" in nature.

Because yew and Douglas fir are globally endangered tree species that are prohibited from cutting down, currently we can only use the roots of larch as material to extract Taxifolin. larch only grows in eastern Siberia, Росія, northeastern Mongolia, northeastern China, and North Korea. It has a long growth cycle, so the resources available for production are extremely scarce. It is very difficult to extract Taxifolin DHQ from huge pine roots, with strict facilities and equipment requirements, and the thin-edge extraction process is very complex.

  • Worldwide Market

So far, only two countries in the world, Russia and China master the raw materials and production technology of high-quality Larch extract Taxifolin dihydroquercetin powder. Our country's annual production capacity of DHQ dihydroquercetin extract powder is about 16 тонн, and the global annual output is below 30 тонн. According to data, by 2027, the global demand for DHQ will exceed 70 тонн.

Our KINTAI is a high-tech herbal extract factory, our product larch extract pure Taxifolin DHQ powder sells well in many countries, if anything can help welcome to contact us!

yellow plant Larch tree, raw material of Taxifolin dihydroquercetin extract powder
green Larch tree leaves, fruits, raw material of Taxifolin/Dihydroquercetin extract powder

Property of Taxifolin

  • Назва товару: Таксіфолін порошок
  • Other English Name: DHQ, Дигідрокверцетин, Taxifoliol, Таксіфолін
  • Витягти джерело: Рослина дугласової ялиці/модрини
  • Номер CAS: 480-18-2
  • Хімічна формула: C15H12O7
  • Молекулярна маса: 304.252
  • Колір: White to yellow powder
  • Розчинність: Розчинний в етанолі, acetic acid, hot water, slightly soluble in cold water.
  • Зберігання: Store Taxifolin powder in a dry, прохолодне місце, уникайте світла.
formula structure of Taxifolin powder

Specification of Taxifolin powder

Назва продуктуДжерелоНомер CAS
ТаксіфолінРослина дугласової ялиці/модрини480-18-2
Предмети аналізуСпецифікаціяМетод випробування
Assay of Dihydroquercetin98%ВЕРХ
Фізичні та хімічні властивості
Зовнішній виглядПорошок від білого до світло-жовтого кольоруВізуальний
Розмір частинок≥99% через 80 сіткаCh.P.C.Правило 47
Втрати при висиханні≤5,0%Ch.P.C.Правило 52
Heavy Metals of Taxifolin extract powder≤10,0 ppmАтомна абсорбція
Кадмій(Cd)≤0,5 ppmАтомна абсорбція
Меркурій(Hg)≤0,1 ppmАтомна абсорбція
Миш'як(як)≤1,0 ppmАтомна абсорбція
Свинець(Pb)≤0,5 ppmАтомна абсорбція
Залишкові розчинники
– Етанол≤1000 PPMГазова хроматографія
Мікробіологічна якість (Загальна життєздатна аеробна кількість) of Taxifolin extract powder
Загальна кількість пластин,КУО/г≤1000 КУО/гCh.P.C.Правило 80
Підрахунок цвілі та дріжджів,КУО/г≤ 100 КУО/гCh.P.C.Правило 80
E. кишкова паличкаВідсутнійCh.P.C.Правило 80
СальмонелаВідсутнійCh.P.C.Правило 80
Золотистий стафілококВідсутнійCh.P.C.Правило 80
*Умови зберігання: Зберігати в щільно закритому поліетиленовому пакеті та зберігати в сухому прохолодному місці. Завжди тримайте від сильного прямого світла.
*KINTAI обіцяє всі продукти: Неопромінений / Не-ETO/Тільки нагрівання / Без ГМО

Функція та застосування

Taxifolin DHQ Dihydroquercetin has multiple effects including antioxidant, протираковий, anti-fatigue, anti-aging, anti-viral, протизапальні ліки, anti-bacterial, anti-radiation, regulating immunity, removing melanin, improving microcirculation, also purifying blood and detoxifying.

It is widely used in the treatment of cancer, leukemia, cerebral infarction, coronary heart disease and sequelae, cerebral thrombosis, hypertension, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, liver diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and also can treat skin problems, тощо.

Main functions of Taxifolin extract powder

1. Strong antioxidant ability

Taxifolin extract powder can effectively remove free radicals and toxins in the human body, and also repair the cells. It promotes the absorption of vitamin C, prevents vitamin C from being oxidized, and also inhibits the development of diseases. A Nobel Prize-winning scientist believes that eating foods containing 4-10 mg of dihydroquercetin and vitamin C every day for one year can extend human life by 20-25 років.

2. Enhance immunity

Taxifolin can quickly relieve fatigue, activate longevity genes, delay cell aging, and have detoxification effects.

3. Anti tumors and cancer

It can inhibit the growth of squamous cell carcinoma, and malignant lymphocytosis.

4. Treat vascular diseases

DHQ Dihydroquercetin can help improve blood microcirculation especially cerebral blood circulation. It can normalize blood pressure, and relieve symptoms of hypoxia and local anemia.By activate blood vessel wall cells, enhance blood vessel elasticity, then enhance heart vitality, and reduce the chance of stroke and heart disease.

5. Balance blood lipids

It can affect lipid metabolism by regulating enzyme activity, inhibit the synthesis of intracellular cholesterol, and therefore balance cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

6. Liver protection

Dihydroquercetin DHQ powder can repair liver damage, help the liver detoxify, it also has a significant improvement and recovery effect on hepatitis, fatty liver, тощо.

7. Improve gastrointestinal health

Taxifolin dihydroquercetin powder can not only improve gastric motility, inhibit harmful intestinal bacteria, but also promote gastric mucosal regeneration. Relieve chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic enteritis and other diseases.

8. Whitening skin

As can be seen, Taxifolin has a unique effect on various dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, acne and other skin diseases. It can restore the elasticity of collagen in the skin, inhibit the production of melanin, and whiten spots.

9. Treat respiratory diseases

Long-term use of taxifolin powder can prevent the aggravation of chronic respiratory diseases. Generally it has a therapeutic effect on bronchitis, acute pneumonia, chronic obstructive bronchitis, and acute bronchitis.

10. Cell repair

Dihydroquercetin extract powder is a great cell repair substance. It have protective effect on DNA. DNA is an important component of the genome and the medium of cellular genetic information. However, due to the influence of external environmental pollution, ultraviolet radiation, tobacco and other factors, the DNA of human cells is easily damaged, which in turn affects the normal function of the cells. Dihydroquercetin can interact with DNA to repair DNA damage, keep DNA intact, and maintain normal cell functions.

skincare ingredient cosmetic raw material
Promote liver health

Application of taxifolin

  • Pharmaceutical industry: After years of testing and verification by relevant Russian medical research institutions, relevant drugs and health products have been made. So far the components of plant extract taxifolin powder used to prevent and treat diabetes, liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, ophthalmology, cardiovascular diseases, тощо. are officially registered in the Russian Pharmacopoeia in 2003.
  • Skin care products: DHQ Dihydroquercetin as the world's most natural and precious antioxidant, can help resist oxidative damage to the skin caused by environmental pollution, ultraviolet radiation, тощо. Крім того, dihydroquercetin extract powder also has moisturizing, whitening, anti-inflammatory and other effects. It can improve skin texture, whiten skin and reduce wrinkles and spots. Therefore, larch extract dihydroquercetin powder has become an important ingredient in many luxury skin care products.
  • Food additives: As a natural bioactive additive, taxifolin extract have the function of preservatives, extending shelf life, benefit human health.
  • Industrial field: the performance of taxifol exceeds many known antioxidants, such as: anti-shock agent for engine fuels and rocket fuels; stabilizer for industrial lubricants.
  • Agricultural: It can play the role of "plant growth regulators" to improve plant immunity and activity. Accordingly, it enhances the plant's cold and drought tolerance, reduces maturity time, promotes growth and increases yield.

More About Taxifolin Dihydroquercetin Powder

Доставка & Упаковка
  • Упаковка: Всередині харчової сумки, зовнішній пакет з алюмінієвої фольги.
    25кг використовуйте двошаровий пластиковий контейнер/волокнисту бочку.
    Або ваш вибір.
  • Доступні послуги OEM: Індивідуальний стордоступна упаковка, натисніть тут, щоб дізнатися більше.
  • Американський склад: КІНТАЙ поставити над 100 інгредієнти натуральних рослинних екстрактів на нашому складі в США для швидкої доставки.
  • Оплата: Ми приймаємо оплату T/T, L/C, Paypal, і Вестер Юніон.

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Фабрика, сертифікована ISO GMP HACCP



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